Hydro Grow - Yellow & Droopy


Active Member
I started my 12-system EF 10/12
2 gallon pots with Hydroton (i put clones straight into the system)

Started watering 3 times daily now 5
8am 12pm 5pm 10pm 3am
5.5 - 6.5 Ph levels
Temp between 75-80, Humidity 15-25%
Flora micro/gro/bloom nutes (1/3 of recommended)
2 X 400 w HPS lights
3 fans (Intake, exhaust, circculation)

They are growing but why they looking so yellow and de-formed?



Well-Known Member
you need to flush them asap
you have nute burn
flush for 24 hrs
then reduce nutes
use ppm meter its a must for hydro grows


Well-Known Member
also you need to keep ph between 5.6-5.8
with plants that small
1/3 nutes is way to much m8
you only need a 1/4 at the most


Active Member
I have been using a 3rd of the recommended nutes on the bottle, thats too much???

Lights are about 20" from the plants, is that OK?

Just added lots of water to the resevoir to dilute it.

What's the cheapest and best way to properly test the PPM?