Hydro Nutrient Challenge

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Yo Earl,
Heres my setup,
and some examples of my grows.
The plants are grapefruit.:hump:



Well-Known Member
Geez..I wish I saw this thread two weeks ago.
I have a GH Waterfarm eight pack, I guess it's a drip but when the roots get long they're in the water full time.
Basic GH three part nutes plus Floralicious and Koolbloom.
1000w HD and HPS plus two 125w CFL's. Those are for when the temp gets out of hand and I have to turn the Big Boy off (like right now even though NorCal has cooled off considerably). Not a prob in January.
My first hydro grow started in Feb and was a monster, blew me away. Second grow sucks, I think it's the temp, or maybe cause I went to Mexico fishing for three weeks and left Jr in charge. All he knows about dope is how to smoke it. Damn...I thought I raised him right. Hopefully he will learn to treat the ladies good.
Anyway here's some pics.



Well-Known Member
If you have ro
OH..goody! I'll get RO Monday, want a picture?
But seriously..sounds like good research. Actually the seed vs clone thing is a consideration but there's no practical way to spread clones all over the country, at least I can't see one.


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to see this! I don't meet the requirements so I can't participate, but I am really interested in the Supernatural nutes. This is my first aero grow and I got a sample of the GroAqua so I'm using it. I'm going with FloraNova for bloom only because my hydro store didn't have Supernatural. There's not much info on RIU about this line and I would love to see them included here if anyone can get them.


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to see this! I don't meet the requirements so I can't participate, but I am really interested in the Supernatural nutes. This is my first aero grow and I got a sample of the GroAqua so I'm using it. I'm going with FloraNova for bloom only because my hydro store didn't have Supernatural. There's not much info on RIU about this line and I would love to see them included here if anyone can get them.
Why aren't you?


Well-Known Member
Geez..I wish I saw this thread two weeks ago.
I have a GH Waterfarm eight pack, I guess it's a drip but when the roots get long they're in the water full time.
Basic GH three part nutes plus Floralicious and Koolbloom.
1000w HD and HPS plus two 125w CFL's. Those are for when the temp gets out of hand and I have to turn the Big Boy off (like right now even though NorCal has cooled off considerably). Not a prob in January.
My first hydro grow started in Feb and was a monster, blew me away. Second grow sucks, I think it's the temp, or maybe cause I went to Mexico fishing for three weeks and left Jr in charge. All he knows about dope is how to smoke it. Damn...I thought I raised him right. Hopefully he will learn to treat the ladies good.
Anyway here's some pics.
i am curious as to why your floragro part is not green.


Well-Known Member
i am curious as to why your floragro part is not green.
Do you mean the gallon jugs? I just checked...the color in the photo is correct. That's under fluoro lights so it's accurate. Please elaborate.


You're a prankster...right? You're fucking with me aren't you?.
I can't waste time with you.......I got a bunch of clones to germinate today!

Need I add LOL?
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Well-Known Member

I do not plan to enter your contest. However, I am quite interested in procuring a few of those P.Cindy X Widow seeds of yours. Share the love?



Well-Known Member

Despite my legal ability to grow x number of plants, I never kept public grow journals for reasons regarding legalities. However, this last time around, I decided to test out 3 separate strains in the drip bucket systems, organically, using the biotanicare line of nutes. For pics from setup - flowering, here is my photobucket gallery. However, I learned that the meager 3 gal res is rather unsufficient for proper root expansion.

Soo... Next time around (with your seeds), I will be using the Ebb & Flow principal by flooding & draining trays. I have a new CO2 system that I will implement. The major variable (that I haven't quite decided on) is switching from my organic nutes to the new connoisseur line. From what I've heard, it increases the yield substantially.



Well-Known Member
I must say I envy your legal ability to grow.

Why do you need seeds from me?

Why not buy clones?


Well-Known Member

It is nice to legally grow on a state level. Hopefully, someday it will be on a fed level too.

Anywho, there's a few problems I have with purchasing clones. First, due to the fact that the medical stores trade clones with patients, there's a good chance that whatever type of strain they claim the clone to be is not very accurate. Second, I have had bad experiences with the clone acting as the devil's vessel for unleashing hell in my grow room -- spider mites, pets, etc. Third, they charge around 50$ per clone, and I've had a few hermy out on me for some odd reason.

Now, normally, I would not jump at the chance to have some random person's strain in my growroom. However, I have seen posts by you on other forums, and you seem to know your shit, thusly lending credit to your strain. This, combined with my current search for a great strain to grow, fueled my desire to acquire a few of your seeds for a test run.



Well-Known Member
There is a very effective and easy way to deal with mite infected clones,
spray them with


Well-Known Member
hey earl can i still get in on this .... If i can i ll try to take pics with my pc cam.. i have GH flora nutes at the moment im buying distilled water but i think i can get Ro by JAN.09.
for lighting 600 hps.
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