Hydro System


Active Member
My friend went out and acquired a General Hydroponic system... It looks like it should work out well, but I was wondering if anyone used one of these and how well they work, and... he has his plants growing in soil right now, when should he transplant them into the hydro system??

thanks people


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You really dont wanna put soil plants into a hydro setup as your asking for issues.clones will work best and use rockwool and hydroton. What setup did he get they make a few dozen designs most are really overpriced but work well but you ll be mad once you look at it and see you can usually make it for 10th the cost.


Active Member
I believe he tried to find a clone first but couldn't... thats why he just started from the beginning... But, would it work better for him to just grow out the ones in soil then get a clone off of that and then start using the hydro system?