hydro vs soil/photo vs auto

Those chemicals actually killed the flora and fauna in the soil. Leading to dead soil and the continued need for fertilizers
Actually fungi and bacteria in nature live in symbiotic relationship with plants. They convert unavailable nutrients into available and feed the roots of plants. The plant in turn releases sugars and starches to feed the bacteria. That is why you can take a soil sample into you local co-op and they can tell you what has been grown in that soil recently. Because of the specific organisms in the soil
Actually fungi and bacteria in nature live in symbiotic relationship with plants. They convert unavailable nutrients into available and feed the roots of plants. The plant in turn releases sugars and starches to feed the bacteria. That is why you can take a soil sample into you local co-op and they can tell you what has been grown in that soil recently. Because of the specific organisms in the soil
man arnt you an encyclopedia of earth knowledge.....lol
But weed as many plants will use more nutrients than three or five gallons of soil can hold without suppliments. I've found that in growing autos root development is key and a good start equals a good finish more so than in photos. A good soil does that very well.
I use ten gallon planters with about seven gallons of soil. For a short grow like with autos that is sufficient to get great yield and taste
Algea growth on soil? Not a prob as it does not go deep enough to compete with roots. Insects that feed off of it like gnats are a whole different matter
Anyway, its the subtleties of enzymes and chemical interaction from bacteria and fungi that hydro can't duplicate.
My holy grail of indoor growing is to replicate that of the forest. It nurtures itself. I'm starting to work with companion plants
Just as there are certain crops that compliment and even help each other when grown together, there has to be plants that will do the same with weed
Something I think a lot of people forget is that our beloved Mary Jane is just a plant that is part of nature. The longer I farm the more I understand how connected everything is. Also the more I see two different philosophy about growing.
One is that we are to facilitate nature and help it. For example one cow can feed off one acre and yet produce enough fertilizer for two acres.
The other is to take control of nature and dictate and ultimately provide it with what it needs.
Both ways have their place. Hydro done right comes very close to nature and within the confines of a closet can exceed yield of soil grow for sure as does using techniques like LST or scrog.
And the taste difference is there but often subtle enough as to not be very noticeable.