Hydro vs. Soil


Well-Known Member
I'm growing my 2nd grow in soil and I'm flowering now for about 10 days now, i have big plans for my 3rd grow as i have some haze seeds.
I have an automatic watering system that i made and everything is running on timers. So i dont have to do much but wait and make sure everything is going smoothly. My question is do the plants grow faster and more vigorously when in a hydro setup? Im thinking about making my own system with a pump and two of those 14 gallon plastic bins placed ontop of one another (the ones you can get at target.) But it seems that i would be looking at more things to go wrong, i have to worry about PH, get nutrients... Is it all worth it? or sould i just stay with soil and feed nutes, seems easier right?


Well-Known Member
it is much easier,,,if you grow the right strains then it shouldn't make loads of difference how much yield you get,,,some people who have used hydro swear that you do get more....depends on how hands on you want to be I guess :weed:


Well-Known Member
Not really sure never grew in soil , just hydro . I use a DWC and I never have to do much but check my ph and ppm. I guess its about the same as far as work goes . I do have to change my water in my res , but you have to transplant so I think its about the same. As far as yeild , Ive noticed ppl that grow in soil claim to have more yeild then hydro . I guess I now have something to exp. with lol . Thanks I'll keep you posted on which one yeilds more and the rate of growth.


Well-Known Member
Plants grow faster in hydro. You can probably shave a good 2 weeks off a comparable soil grow. Hydro is much less forgiving than soil, though. You can literally kill your plants if you miss a feeding or two due to a pump or tubing problem, or if you make an error measuring your nutes. Soil might take a little longer, but at least you're not just an extended power outage away from losing your entire crop. I use hydro, but I can't rule out eventually switching to soil in the future.


Active Member
i remember reading an article on Overgrow a few years ago which took an experienced grower using clones of the same strain under the same wattage, one was DWC and the other was soil.
Hydro took 2 weeks less, produced 12% more resin, and yielded an extra ounce.
I'm just starting out with DWC hydro after having done soil and outdoor, and while the appeal of controlling every single variable and growing faster and more efficiently outweighs the stress of it for me personally, i have to say there Is a hell of a lot of stress involved.
You've got everything running automatically, and hydro done properly involves 2 pH changes a day, and getting a feel for the right nutrient amounts for your plants takes a couple of grows at least, and a lot of inexplicable plant problems coming up in the meantime.
I had to teach all my flatmates how hydro works just so they can babysit my plants for the odd one or two days that i won't be home, and were this soil i know i could piss off for a few days and not worry about coming back to a closet-full of straw...
If nice and easy is your thing, stay with soil. If you want to get scientific on those 'hos, get hydroponics!


Well-Known Member
i remember reading an article on Overgrow a few years ago which took an experienced grower using clones of the same strain under the same wattage, one was DWC and the other was soil.
Hydro took 2 weeks less, produced 12% more resin, and yielded an extra ounce.
I'm just starting out with DWC hydro after having done soil and outdoor, and while the appeal of controlling every single variable and growing faster and more efficiently outweighs the stress of it for me personally, i have to say there Is a hell of a lot of stress involved.
You've got everything running automatically, and hydro done properly involves 2 pH changes a day, and getting a feel for the right nutrient amounts for your plants takes a couple of grows at least, and a lot of inexplicable plant problems coming up in the meantime.
I had to teach all my flatmates how hydro works just so they can babysit my plants for the odd one or two days that i won't be home, and were this soil i know i could piss off for a few days and not worry about coming back to a closet-full of straw...
If nice and easy is your thing, stay with soil. If you want to get scientific on those 'hos, get hydroponics!
Thanks man, i like your advice. Still not sure what to do, may just make a cloning device in hydro, that way i can grow in soil and then put my clones in hydro. So even when i have the water sitting in the bin (hydro) i will still have to fix the PH twice a day? Thats not too bad... Can i just buy hydro FoxFarm nutes and use that? i just look back at the aero garden my dad had and his plants grew so fast... has to be them nutes... :blsmoke: