Hydrofarm Habitat....help (pics)


Well-Known Member
I scored a deluxe habitat for a steal of a deal, and the guy who sold it to me said he had grown non-cannabis plants (flowers mostly) hydroponically in it, without problems. He calims he had it set up in his shop for the past several months as a display.
It is set up with a 400w MH light right now, with every plant getting 18/6 lights. I put a 2 week old seedling in it and it grew okay at first, but that is it in the first pic and it is over 70 days old. The apparent nute burn started before any nutes were given, and as you can see there is literally NO growth.
On March 17th I put 8 seedlings in there, in rockwool. They grew great at first, but after about a week, the growth slowed way down, and now they are showing signs of nute burn and the new growth is very yellow at the base of the leaves. I hope the pics show this, and show how small the seedlings are after 10 days under 18/6 MH. No nutes have ever been given.
So, I know the hydrohut was doing this to plants, but I can't find any really good pics of exactly what they did on young plants, only on older plants. I don't know if the habitat ever had this problem. but they are off the market.
I just wonder if anyone else has experience this, and if the yellowing/death happened slowly or quickly, and if there is also a slowing of growth with the hydrohut/habitat off gassing.
Thanks so much!



Well-Known Member
I just went and bought some plywood and brackets....gonna throw together an easy peasy box and mylar it.....fuck this hydrofarm habitat......even if it don't say hydrohut, it's still a killer.....there is no way that 74 day old plant should look like that....
Oh well.....only had a bill fitty in the hut.....loss to learn....no worries.


Active Member
i`d say you need more nitrogen and as for the hydrohuts , what i`ve seen there are no problems as long as you have proper air movement through intake and exuast .


Active Member
hydrohut problems are a myth. with proper intake and exuast setup along with aircooled light and how u take care of your plants there will be no problems remember hydrohut are seperate enclosed rooms using plastic like materal for walls somewhat like a green house effect humidity , temps,water, will all change from a regular spare room.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
I scored a deluxe habitat for a steal of a deal, and the guy who sold it to me said he had grown non-cannabis plants (flowers mostly) hydroponically in it, without problems. He calims he had it set up in his shop for the past several months as a display.
It is set up with a 400w MH light right now, with every plant getting 18/6 lights. I put a 2 week old seedling in it and it grew okay at first, but that is it in the first pic and it is over 70 days old. The apparent nute burn started before any nutes were given, and as you can see there is literally NO growth.
On March 17th I put 8 seedlings in there, in rockwool. They grew great at first, but after about a week, the growth slowed way down, and now they are showing signs of nute burn and the new growth is very yellow at the base of the leaves. I hope the pics show this, and show how small the seedlings are after 10 days under 18/6 MH. No nutes have ever been given.
So, I know the hydrohut was doing this to plants, but I can't find any really good pics of exactly what they did on young plants, only on older plants. I don't know if the habitat ever had this problem. but they are off the market.
I just wonder if anyone else has experience this, and if the yellowing/death happened slowly or quickly, and if there is also a slowing of growth with the hydrohut/habitat off gassing.
Thanks so much!
hey brother-i'm no expert but those pics looks like defficiancies not nute burn---...


Active Member
it's off gassing from the plastic of the hut. be wary of any grow tents that have white plastic on the inside. secret jardin dark rooms and amazing.


Active Member
what the hell is a secret jardin darkroom?? and those plants cant be 70 days. cant be...Pe@ce..
secret jardin darkrooms are indoor grow tents. they are very well made. light proof and plenty of ventilation ports.

just don't get the darkroom street series they are the cheap version. not reflective, not light proof, and not adequate ventilation ports.