Hydroflora system, any advice???


Active Member
So i know some one with 3 plants, two indicas, and one femenised mango plant. they are at about one month veg. he is using orgainic 3 par nutes and a high out put t5 fluro growlight. the two indacs had a prob with the fan leaves but they were trimmed all away and the new ones are good and all secondary growth is thick and good. he is using a hydro flora system, it utilizes a nutrifent fogger and drip irrigation in a growing medium of leca. everything looks cool so far but m friend would like reassurauncs or advice about this system/ how its doing so far. also would a t5 fluro with mylar tens that go from the light directly to perimeter of grow box be sufficent for flowering. he has one supplemental red spectrum light.


Active Member
thanks ima have some new pics up im about to put them into flowering theres a fwe yellow spots and jagged brown ridges on the leaves.