Hydrogen Peroxide for Root Rot...?


Well-Known Member
so a couple of my plants werent doing so hot so i asked doublejj what he thought and he mentioned root rot. so i dug one up and sure enough the roots were light brown in color and not lookin too good. i only water about once every 3-4 days and the drainage on my soil is even better than last year and i never had a problem with it. the ones that are doin it were cloned in rockwool. so i was just wondering if anyone has any experience with this problem and whether or not hydrogen peroxide will help and if so at what dose should it be given? if not what other products should i try or anything else that i can do? all comments are appreciated. thanks.


Well-Known Member
Bummer on the root rot tip,h2o2 will sterilize the mircobes in the soil but adds oxygen also for roots. Over watering could be the problem even if its your only watering every few days. Use some powdered myco to get those roots growing again and some kelp. Also check ph in your soil as a safety measure. If you do use h2o2 (peroxide) once finnished I would use a tea of blackstrap molasses,worm castings,marine algae like nitrozime,and powdered humic acid to restart your microbes in the soil. Good luck man hope it works out


Well-Known Member
How about taking a stake and make holes all around the root ball to get oxygen to them. Or make the hole and use pvc with holes drilled to get oxygen to the roots. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
I germinated my first seed recently in rockwool, i ended up letting it dry out while trying to be overly cautious about not overwatering, so i was told to get it poted in moist soil and get it into a nice humid warm environment, which i did, she perked right back up. But yesterday i went to transplant her into the new soil mix i made and i didnt notice and roots coming out of the cube, so i got curious and began to pull the rockwool away from the seedling, and sure enough i had major root rot, where the root was basically hanging on by a thread, nothing i could do but clip it off, theres really like a half inch of stem underneath the leaves left, i got it planted in semi dry soil but i dont know if its going to survive or not. I thought the rockwool worked great for germination but i've had nothing but trouble from it since the seed sprouted.


Well-Known Member
the reason y i had kinda ruled out overwatering was because most of my plants are doin just fine and they get watered the same as the ones that were doing shitty. i hit them up with some h2o2 today so hopefully it helps...