Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Bath and Powdery Mildew

  1. I know you where joking.
  2. Gave you a like.
  3. I'm not a Brit. I'm German. Look up "German humour"; you won't find much.
I'm half German, half Italian, was conceived in Cananda and then born in Germany. I guess i got my humor from the Canadian air my parents where breathing at the time, as the whole German side of the family are stoics, and the italian side. . . well. . . they're just Italian. what can you say. lol

PS i know you knew i was joking. thnx for the like.
Serious answer: this probably does not matter, because it's about the whey, and not the fat in the milk. Probably one can simply use whey powder dissolved in tap water. In one of the articles I've found they've used milk powder for the study.

Apparently it's important to spray while the sun is shining on the plant, because the sun light seems to play a role in breaking down the milk proteins for the antiseptic effect. How it works exactly is not fully understood.

It's the same around here. The plant itself is secure and hidden, also not much rain gets to it, but right now we get this damp weather, with mild and sunny days in between, and that seemed to give the PM a nice breeding ground.

It wasn't very serious, I could remove the affected leaves, and right now I see no signs of re-emergence. Powdery mildew is one of the most common plant diseases; I guess one just has to deal with it and grow resistant strains.

I'm glad that I can probably pull the plant in around 10 days. The weekly forecast looks pretty good, definitely no frost and not a lot of rain.

That does not look right, because the lemon juice (acidic) and the baking soda (alkaline) will mostly cancel each other. You need either an alkaline or acidic solution to work against the mold.

Also, if you wash it all off right away will there even be a significant effect?

It's probably best to just use H2O2 or potassium bicarbonate and then just hang them to dry like that.
It’s a recipe I found all over the net but there is others of using H202. But you can use whatever you think will work. If you do a search online of bud washing that’s like the first recipe that pops up but that’s why I also use the potassium bicarbonate after the first wash just to be sure. Heck could do all 3 the lemon/baking soda,green cure,H202 just make sure you rinse it all off and check the buds after to make sure your not smoking any mold or rot that’s the important part
It’s a recipe I found all over the net but there is others of using H202. But you can use whatever you think will work.
I just like an explanation why a method is good if it's not immediately available. The lemon/baking soda might just be something that somebody "invented" a long time ago, and then it got copied without anybody ever checking if it's any good.

Combining an acid (lemon) with the soda will carbonate the water (make it fizzy), so this will of course help clean the buds. On the other hand one might as well use carbonated water then; seems simpler and cheaper to me, and it won't leave soda or lemon on the buds.

Now that's not to say the method is bad or obvious nonsense (those things exist aplenty in the Cannabis world, mind you).

H2O2 obviously has disinfecting and sanitizing properties, so I have no problem with seeing its purpose here. The only question is if it needs to be rinsed off the buds or not. Probably will do to be safe.
I just like an explanation why a method is good if it's not immediately available. The lemon/baking soda might just be something that somebody "invented" a long time ago, and then it got copied without anybody ever checking if it's any good.

Combining an acid (lemon) with the soda will carbonate the water (make it fizzy), so this will of course help clean the buds. On the other hand one might as well use carbonated water then; seems simpler and cheaper to me, and it won't leave soda or lemon on the buds.

Now that's not to say the method is bad or obvious nonsense (those things exist aplenty in the Cannabis world, mind you).

H2O2 obviously has disinfecting and sanitizing properties, so I have no problem with seeing its purpose here. The only question is if it needs to be rinsed off the buds or not. Probably will do to be safe.
H2O2 eventually loses an O and becomes water.
Same process just larger container. I only had a few smaller plants so I just cut it up and washed in one bucket, rinsed in another. Then spun in a salad spinner and laid it out on a screen with a fan blowing to dry off all external moisture. Then onto drying racks.

My outdoor was cut before it was ready but that was due to mother nature. It will be used for dry ice hash that will be pressed into neat shapes and given as christmas presents. I've started the indoor which is what I use for my personal stash.
I like the salad spinner bit. I’ll be looking for one.
I've always wondered what German love songs sound like. In my head it sounds horrifying.
There are good German singers. The language works in songs if performed well.
This here is an old song, very popular and well-known:
It sounds great, because the singer knows how to work with the language.

Today's German pop is positively awful, the lyrics are just so banal and trite.

H2O2 eventually loses an O and becomes water.
Yes, but it might be too aggressive if left on the buds for longer, since it's a strong oxidizing agent; so I'm considering washing it off.

I've found the following article about bud washing post-harvest. I think they explain the whole process very well, not just the "hows", also the "whys". They recommend 3 buckets: baking soda, then H2O2 + acid, then plain water. Makes sense to me.

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There are good German singers. The language works in songs if performed well.
This here is an old song, very popular and well-known:
It sounds great, because the singer can work with the language.

Today's German pop is positively awful, the lyrics are just so banal and trite.

Yes, but it might be too aggressive if left on the buds for longer, since it's a strong oxidizing agent; so I'm considering washing it off.

I've found the following article about bud washing post-harvest. I think they explain the whole process very well, not just the "how's", also the "why's". They recommend 3 buckets: baking soda, then H2O2 + acid, then plain water. Makes sense to me.

Haha. It really does sound like English in reverse. God bless you all.
Rammstein surely know how to play the German clichee. Great artists in my opinion. Amazing stage performances.

Their lyrics are extremely offensive (of course it's all calculated and for show). If you don't understand the lyrics you're missing 90% of why they're good. Great fun.
There are good German singers. The language works in songs if performed well.
This here is an old song, very popular and well-known:
It sounds great, because the singer knows how to work with the language.

Today's German pop is positively awful, the lyrics are just so banal and trite.

Yes, but it might be too aggressive if left on the buds for longer, since it's a strong oxidizing agent; so I'm considering washing it off.

I've found the following article about bud washing post-harvest. I think they explain the whole process very well, not just the "hows", also the "whys". They recommend 3 buckets: baking soda, then H2O2 + acid, then plain water. Makes sense to me.

There is a YouTube video by Jorge Cervantes but you have to be a YouTube member to watch it. He explains how and why to wash pretty much same as link you provided
Yeah, it's the Evil Cannabis Content on YouTube, from which the general public apparently has to be protected.
considering just how stupid ppl are getting, they need to be protected from just about everything these days.
and don't get me going of F'n SnowFlakes! >:(

Maybe we should setup a Safe Room for them in this forum (the poor things), like they're doing now in schools and universities and the workplace.
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For YouTube (= Google, actually Alphabet) it's simply about the money. They can't (or don't want to) monetize Cannabis content, and so it's just risky for them to show it without a profit to be made.

Cannabis content is flagged for people 18 and over, so you have to be logged in in order to view it. Not that being logged in proves anything, but it seems it's enough of an alibi for them.

I've also noticed that it's not suggested when you search for videos in the search bar. For example, if you type in "weed" or even just "hemp" none of the auto-suggestions are "weed" or "hemp" related.

In another context I've heard a YouTuber report that he cannot say the word "drugs" (in the sense of "prescribed medicine") because it will lead to the video being de-monetized.

They're really scared of their advertisers. It's all about the money.

All the while Facebook gets away with ruining what little is left of US democracy, and earning big dollars in the process.
considering just how stupid ppl are getting, they need to be protected from just about everything these days.
and don't get me going of F'n SnowFlakes! >:(

Maybe we should setup a Safe Room for them in this forum (the poor things), like they're doing now in schools and universities and the workplace.
Yeah go on and watch this https://amihorowitz.com/ if you want to see how F’n stupid people are these days it’s absolutely mind blowing what we are facing in this world. I’m sure you see your fair share but this is on another level of stupid.