Hydrogen peroxide in a cloner


Well-Known Member
I have been doing some serching on the use of hydrgen peroxide in A cloner and I can't find anything. My GF is A hair stylist and has some stuff called clairoxide 40, and I was gonna look into using that to oxigenate the roots. Has anyone ever tried it?


Well-Known Member
I was told that u could add 1 oz of hyd. per 25% to A gallon of water! I was just curious on if anyone has given it A run!


Well-Known Member
dude, i would imagine the shit your GF has to do hair with has all kinds of chems your clones wouldnt agree with in it, stuff like conditioners and shit so it doesnt fry hair. i definetly would not use it

and its my humble opinion that h2o2 should be used for cleaning and disinfecting only unless you have bigtime funk problems in your media or rez. i think that h2o2's benifits as an oxygenator are mediocre at best compared to a pump and airstone. h2o2 has dispersed all the oxygen it can after about 10-12 hrs and is broke down into water, where a pump runs constantly. it also kills benificial bacteria and fungi.