Hydrogen peroxide newbie

Could work but a very expensive way of going about it. (plus fuck AN)
The phythoff is cheaper I'm not sure where to get that around here. I'm wasn't sure what is was doing bit of just put some in a pail of water with some carboblast and a airstone to make more but wasn't sure if It worked or not got some fog in water and slime on stone but really wasn't sure what I made lol.
Ok thanks I guess I don't use ebay or Amazon very much. So this is a sterilizer that kills all bacteria like h202 does?
Yes kills all pathogens and keeps the pump nozzle from clogging with gunk, also I didnt like using h202 even with safety glasses which is a 100% MUST, why bother when pythoff is safe and also saves gunk build up.
Update, i have got myself some Hypochlorous acid.

So far so good. I have stopped using anything living.

Just A &B + Silica.

I flip in 1 week.

Will keep you updated.

Cheers for all the information.
Got any links? whats the price per L and dosage of it?

In my country it cost about 17$ for 5 liters. Check "rdwc procedure for athena blended line" there is info how to dosage (cleanse = hypochlorous acid). The key is small dosages but everyday in flo you run 0.25ml/liter everyday
In my country it cost about 17$ for 5 liters. Check "rdwc procedure for athena blended line" there is info how to dosage (cleanse = hypochlorous acid). The key is small dosages but everyday in flo you run 0.25ml/liter everyday
Checked it out but because its imported here its £30/$35 per L so not the best option for me unfortunately as thats a great price you get it for
Hypochlorous acid is great, too bad you paid athena 100x what's it's worth. Do a quick search on Amazon you can buy a gal for less than 30bucks. I have it in a thread here somewhere. It's what I use.
At what rate are you adding hypochlorous acid and have you noticed any ill effect on the plants?
At what rate are you adding hypochlorous acid and have you noticed any ill effect on the plants?
400-500ppm hypochlorous acid I use generally at 1ml/gal you can use more. I use 5ml/gal in the cloner. I've never seen any issues otherwise I wouldn't use it. Only nice clean white roots.
30 bucks for 1 gal.
I used to order it on Amazon for less but I guess I told too many people now they have it listed for 83$. Fucking scumbags.
I purchased a hypochlorous acid generator.
The rates the company that makes them suggests be used to hit a target of free chlorine about killed the plants.
I believe it generates 400ppm solution.
I need to do some more research / experimenting
I also tried System Clean by Aptus at 2ml per gal and plants did not like that either. Possibly need to start them at a much lower dose
I purchased a hypochlorous acid generator.
The rates the company that makes them suggests be used to hit a target of free chlorine about killed the plants.
I believe it generates 400ppm solution.
I need to do some more research / experimenting
I also tried System Clean by Aptus at 2ml per gal and plants did not like that either. Possibly need to start them at a much lower dose
Ya I duno ? I've used it in pretty high doses with no issues
Got any links? whats the price per L and dosage of it?

I've been using Calcium Hypochlorite for a few years now,
got mine from swimming pool supply store.

1kg powder was 20-30e if I remember correctly, should last me for years.

0.01g per 1liters comes out as 5ppm chlorine. If ya doing small batches diluting is probably easier.
hypochlorous acid how often do you top it up? I usually empty & refill a new tank every 7 - 10 days (nft)

I think the chlorine dissipates in bubblers in like 3days,
NFT's and just mixing water with pump might take few days longer.

So if ya using as a precaution, you could just add some when changing the water.
It's no problem if the chlorine runs out if there isn't a problem brewing in the water already.