Hydrogen peroxide?


Well-Known Member
Just going by what you showed which is 2 pics of a blurry bush, and a fuzzy pic of a bucket of dead leaves...you need a better camera or a cameraman who isn't high.

Maybe you are splashing nutrient rich water on the leaves and burning them, rather than fungus.
You interjected another blurry picture in someone else's thread,that leaf looked over fed, nute twisted and burned too.

That's a really terrible picture too, dude. That's like asking us to guess which finger is broken from a picture of your whole family.
How can you expect anyone to see anything, much less get an answer that fits your diagnosis based on these pixelated images?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
You are high... there is a fungal infection on the one i showed. I forget the name of it but it damn near looks like a def but it isnt. All starts with the roots getting infected and goes from there.
Yer paranoid..and insulting...Listen to Richard!

Those are NOT a fungus..

That's basic plant growth! They get that shit...PERIOD. Especially if it's outdoors!

You may also have a light Ca/Mag def.!

Your defoliating for NOTHING!

Richard and I have more years growing then you have being alive (most likely)....That's not combined either!

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Richard knows what he's talking about
when i get stumped and can't figure out wtf, i call Dr. Who.....
i'm not sure you, on the other hand, can remember to use paper every time you wipe.
listen to people who are smarter than you, they shouldn't be hard to find

My Name is Mike

Well-Known Member
I'm having the same looking leaves. Spots, with some holes. Are you fellas saying it's possible that it's from water burning leaves? Sometimes my fan will kick a few drops on some leaves but that was the last thing I thought it would be. I been looking for some help and sounds like Sith is done with this thread so I'm jumping in.


Well-Known Member
Im in full on crisis mode. Its some sort of fungal infection it the roots. With more and more leaves developping rust spots that eat thru as well as yellowing then dying leaves that get black moldy looking patches. If i drench the soil with a peroxide solution then add lots of mykos can she be saved?


Well-Known Member
Im close to killing her. All the girls have the same everything. Only one is infected. From what ive read the infection fucks with the roots and can kinda lock out nutes.


Well-Known Member
H2O2 kills everything and if you put it in your soil, your plant will suffer also. BVy the time replacement bacteria have a population big enough to matter, your plant will be dead most likely. Use a Neem oil drench instead


Well-Known Member
Neem oil will kill fungal infections? Ive only used it as a foliar for pests. What the mixing ratio for drenching?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
H2O2 kills everything and if you put it in your soil, your plant will suffer also. BVy the time replacement bacteria have a population big enough to matter, your plant will be dead most likely. Use a Neem oil drench instead
h2o2 when used properly, doesn't hurt plants at all. a lot of people run a sterile res, and get great results.
Neem sucks ass. it stinks, it gives me hives, it's sticky and makes dust stick to your plants
H2O2 kills everything and if you put it in your soil, your plant will suffer also. BVy the time replacement bacteria have a population big enough to matter, your plant will be dead most likely. Use a Neem oil drench instead
wouldn't It be possible to use a salt based nute untill bactieral growth is restored if he used H2O2?

There are many fungicides available like serenade for example. You can also use silica or baking soda to change the ph of your foliar spray.


Well-Known Member
wouldn't It be possible to use a salt based nute untill bactieral growth is restored if he used H2O2?

There are many fungicides available like serenade for example. You can also use silica or baking soda to change the ph of your foliar spray.
Soil nay works this way, at 20 million bac and fungi organism per gram thats a negative on operation sterelize.

After operation sterelize you will mainly be left with hardcore warriors that fought through your first bad conditions which spawned their kind and then those that went on to survive operation sterelize.

At this point your soil is equal to a place where any happy little rhizo loving organism really dosent want to be.

Soil just needs the right conditions and a little loving care and those hardcore soil bullies will retreat to spore stage and hibernate until you next fuck up or add h2o2 or whatever. As this happens those cool rhizo guys will buy up all that vacant real estate on new root growth drive and soil lane.

I hope you see what im getting at, theres no quick fix to a good healthy soil, no cheats additives or shortcuts, it frustrates many and were now using sterile aerated res hydro stuff.

I soil grow and care more for the condition of my soil than my plants, that done it does all the rest of the work.

This is the way but fuck it, lets go with the h2o2 because life is short and it might just work in some situations :-)