Hydroguard help


Well-Known Member
I've been growing pot for hmmm let's see ..... Started at 14 so holy crap ..... 41 years :(. And I still know shit lol.
Me too, I've been growing 42 years! So there! And I'm 31 yrs old! Lol, jk, but I started about the same age, 15 was my first pot planting experience and I everytime I think I got things figured out, shit happens lol :P


Well-Known Member
I'm actually going to start adding the hydroguard in the res once a week, it can't hurt and the stuff goes bad 6 months after opening it, so might as well use it up, so thanks for that :)

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Your welcome! It's expensive here but it did work. I get enough in a gallon to do two complete runs so not a deal breaker but I'm trying OregonismXL so I'll see how that works and I also use Vitanimo which solved my cal mag issues ;)


Well-Known Member
Your welcome! It's expensive here but it did work. I get enough in a gallon to do two complete runs so not a deal breaker but I'm trying OregonismXL so I'll see how that works and I also use Vitanimo which solved my cal mag issues ;)
It's pretty expensive here too, but I like it much better than running a sterile reservoir, and I ran a sterile res for the past 10 years. What is this vitanimo? Can you give me a link to where I can buy it? Also, what is oregonism xl?


Well-Known Member
Just checked out the oregonism xl, sounds like great white except cheaper! And also I've used roots organics soil and nutrients before, great company! I'm going to pick some up soon, how much do you use per gallon and do you also add that back every week?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^^:o!!! Yes I hope so to :). Now back to growing lol. I use the vitanimo due to some things I read in a few forums relating to high calcium content in water (well) and using amino acids to make this and other nutrients more usable to the plant. All of my grows in water exhibited signs of cal mag deficiencies so I tried this on a hunch, and all of the blotchy leaves were gone, and no more signs of mag issues. Again this stuff is outrageously priced but works (so it seems for my setup) and I'm trying to find a cheaper replacement. I just ordered 5 lbs of amino from kelp for less but the order got screwed up. I'm not sure if this stuff works other than what's happening with my grows and am the last person to promote additives. I use a few different nutrient lines but keep it simple with no boosters or enhancers, just the base. I would have to say my fav is HG Aqua Flakes but once again it's expensive lol. My go to nutrients are a locally bottled line that works well and I get it cheap :). What are you running? Sorry if I missed it :), I've been busy trolling lol.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^^:o!!! Yes I hope so to :). Now back to growing lol. I use the vitanimo due to some things I read in a few forums relating to high calcium content in water (well) and using amino acids to make this and other nutrients more usable to the plant. All of my grows in water exhibited signs of cal mag deficiencies so I tried this on a hunch, and all of the blotchy leaves were gone, and no more signs of mag issues. Again this stuff is outrageously priced but works (so it seems for my setup) and I'm trying to find a cheaper replacement. I just ordered 5 lbs of amino from kelp for less but the order got screwed up. I'm not sure if this stuff works other than what's happening with my grows and am the last person to promote additives. I use a few different nutrient lines but keep it simple with no boosters or enhancers, just the base. I would have to say my fav is HG Aqua Flakes but once again it's expensive lol. My go to nutrients are a locally bottled line that works well and I get it cheap :). What are you running? Sorry if I missed it :), I've been busy trolling lol.
I can't seem to find the vitanimo anywhere online :( I haven't used aqua flakes yet but I wanted to try it at some point, Ive been using maxi grow and maxi bloom for a while but switched to using veg+bloom in veg and maxibloom in flower, extremely cheap for the maxibloom but the v+b is expensive, I also use the hydroguard and pondzyme, calmag and Epsom salt in flower and I think that's it :)

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
image.jpeg image.jpegFeb 11 was the first Pic and these are today using my cheap no-name nutes, OregonismXL, and vitanimo under T5's :) and I've pulled some big leaves off due to "holy shit I planted to many again) lol

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Just checked out the oregonism xl, sounds like great white except cheaper! And also I've used roots organics soil and nutrients before, great company! I'm going to pick some up soon, how much do you use per gallon and do you also add that back every week?
I don't add back unless I don't have time to do a change and then it's only like a day and the level is getting close to pump :(. I add two table spoons every fill so one tablespoon for each 100 liters (20 gallons) and typically once every 7 days. I only add 50-75 ml of hydroguard for every 100l Res as well. I add 50ml of A and B nutes and 30 ml of ph down. I am running 1.2 EC in my flowering Res and .8 in the veg Res which is the pic I just posted. PH for flower is 5.8-6 and veg is 5.6-5.8.


Well-Known Member
Right on, I just bought some vitamino on eBay, that sucks it cost alot for shipping for you, I got it for 21$ total, do you know of anywhere that sells it local to you, youd save a ton of $, try eBay maybe? Can't wait to give the stuff a shot. I like using aminos but when I did I used floralicious plus by gh, and the stuff was way too organic and made a mess in the res lol. Smelled awful too. What does the vitamino look like? Is it clear or brown? Your plants look great!

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
It's a clear beige color and ya kinda smells lol. And please don't think I'm recommending it, I have good results though. Trust me I've searched and yes I can buy it locally but it $27 for a liter I think, I'lll have a look. The gallon I just bought was like $75 but 25 of that was shipping and thinking that was US dollars so about $10,000 Canadian lol.


Well-Known Member
It's a clear beige color and ya kinda smells lol. And please don't think I'm recommending it, I have good results though. Trust me I've searched and yes I can buy it locally but it $27 for a liter I think, I'lll have a look. The gallon I just bought was like $75 but 25 of that was shipping and thinking that was US dollars so about $10,000 Canadian lol.
Ahh, that's not much different in price then all I got was a liter I think for 21$, figure I'll give it a shot lol. Does it make your res water smell?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Ahh, that's not much different in price then all I got was a liter I think for 21$, figure I'll give it a shot lol. Does it make your res water smell?
Not that I've noticed. I am only adding 50 ml though, pretty sure that's a 1/4 of recommended dose. I always add less than recommended and it seems to work for me.


Well-Known Member
Can you show me and everyone here where you got this info from? The I will show you how you are wrong. Please post to me a botany link that shows you are correct in regards to hydroponics and not some stoners post.
Still waiting for you to prove the University studies wrong, I figured 28 hours is enough to gather the info. But maybe you're with the UB or HB crew, seems when they talk and post wrong information for years and ask for science, then are presented with the science that goes against their claims they dissappear pretty quickly, too. I guess it's a defense mechanism that's triggered when you've been calling people dumb and trolls for so long, then reality hits and you're proved wrong about what you've been telling people for years you just gotta run from it.