Oh I can give ya a smoke report for a 9 week flower, 9.5 week and a 10 week flower

at 9. weeks the high is even heady and body, at 10 weeks it's more body still with a head high, yet a bit more chocolate comes through on the smell and the exhale. The effects are strong at both harvest times, but much better for me at 10 because it relaxes me more with out giving me a high blood pressure feeling in my neck. It always has a Cologne type taste as the main taste that comes through, but much more subtle the longer she flowers.
You're telling me lol, I hate trimming it, it's like my 6th harvest of it and it doesn't get easier, but I find scraping the resin off the scissors after about 10 grams of trimming keeps the scissors moving, just have to get a flow going before the scissors get too caked up