HydroPonic Grow Boxes Canada

Just very curious if anyone has a list of decent priced shops online that have hydro grow cabinets. I only found a few and the shipping is ify cause I think it is from the USA lol. Thanks in advance all


Well-Known Member
If you build it, they will come........

Seriously, a roll of 5mil poly(black on one side, white on the other aka panda film) $20.2x3's $2 bucks. I'm serious: you could build something for less than $50. Do you really think the world is watching you? I don't.

I see all these guys on here doing ridiculous shit: growing in pc's, using cfl's, etc.. it's like a cheech and chong movie. Don't be one of those guys. Lurk. Read. 3 guys who kinow a ton of shit about growing: heath robinson, al b fuct, and Uncle Ben. Read. Read. Read more. Ask intelligent questions. Punctuate. Mull over the answers.

Most guys who are good are not here. The rare good grower who's actually a good guy and gives a crap: RARE. Opionated morons: everywhere. Trolls abound. It is the internet, after all.

If i were you, i would do something simple. Grow in sunshine mix #4 or pro-mix. No meters. Water. Nutes (a and b, h2o2). super kiss and very effective. move on to hydro later. focus on a goal. make a plan: i want a 4'x4'x7' tent. How do i ventilate? Will i need a cooltube? (yes) Where do i get good seed or cuts? What's my budget? Can i afford to make big mistakes or medium/small ones in my learning curve.

Be realistic but dream. Implement. perfect. read. learn.

Good luck. No one will do this for you. In the end, we all have to carry our own water. Be cautious but be fearless. learn. grow. kill em. let it rip


New Member
Why you dont do it your self better? You can just google the search term in Google and I am sure you will find.