you will need a chiller. passive chilling just will not work. only product that passive chilling works on is their hydrogen watercooled co2 thing...and even then you need a res of 100 gallons plus. the 1000watts of heat transferred in the water will just be too much for passive cooling, well i think so...but i guess everybody's mileage will varyI guess I missed it...
Now.. they work so good if you have cold ass water...
The site says...
"Water approximately 20 degrees cooler than the room temp will reduce or even eliminate the need for a/c "
If you want to keep the temps in the mid 70s, it means you need mid 50s water.. and that is what the website says... you know.. best scenario type of marketing...
So either you use a chiller of some sorts (which means more power being used... possibly lots more) or you live in a place where the water is super cold...
What's your solution?
tbh, i didnt know my cannazym was a bacteria that created enzymes, i thought it was just enzymes.So... other than creating the enzymes, we like beneficial bacteria because if they are not there, the punks will move in to the unoccupied space?
This is what you would be looking for. Something like a 1/2 or 3/4 HP chiller would be overkill for 1-2 lights, but would leave a TON of room for expantion to watercool anything in the grow room. Lights, Res, Intake, Exhaust. All could be ran off 1 single chiller to replace the AC all together.
The thing I like most about them, with aircooled hood you eliminate all that ducting. Which potentially means you could seal off your grow room 100%, have a single exhaust fan that comes on at night or if it gets too hot, and inject pure c02 without ever wasting any of the c02.\\
And you could still have an AC in the room, but you would only need to use it when absolutely necessary. The problem I find with AC is also they lower humidity, so if your needing to run your AC a lot, your humidity is going to be really low all the time.
Cotyledons said:Update, there is a small quantity of heat exchangers for the top of the HydroGen.
Here are a couple shots of a grow using Ice Boxes , they are working so well that the room can actually made too cold! Remember that you must have the air go through the reflector then blow through the Ice Box , not through the Ice box first.
another post worth quoting... kinda re-inforcing the poin.. i
Hey man, I was never doubting you...thas funny...the same dude a few weeks ago doubting me and the icebox concept.
i guess he's seen the light and jumped on the bandwagon.
LB said:i guess he's seen the light and jumped on the bandwagon.
calm down buddy
my opinion was asked for so i gave. no need for the 'i grow weed, not enzymes' smart ass comment. that is the second time you've said that and yes i feel that was a cheap nobody asked/talked about enzymes except for me and GB, not greyskull. with all due respect, growing enzymes????? where they do that at?
i've explained my reasons for using enzymes. i reuse my coco. and enzymes allow me to. do i knock your dirt? i wont go on about negatives about soil/dirt. its all relative bro. calm down...50 million ways to skin the cannabis cat. No need to force one way or the other...nor any need to knock another alternative (ESPECIALLY, if you have not tried it yourself).
Wow. Still love you, LB.take the florashield out of that equation and GH is the least expensive by quite a bit. I love my chemicals. I grow weed not enzymes.
AN 3-part is over-priced. I've heard good things bout the sensi-2 part but it is pricey.
Greyskull. Start with the Lucas/GH formula and go from there. Use the FloraNovaBloom at 8ml/gallon. Thats it. It won't do you wrong. You can add whatever but you do not have to.
I want one.well, we hashed that one out... lol..
How about these...uh... pH mini doser
Any Thoughts???
okay my fault. ill take your word for it.Hey Gypsy,
That would be cool if you are anal about ph. Mine wanders from 5.5-6.1 with no worries so a doser to keep it at 5.8 seems a little overkill but there are those who say 5.8 always, like Al B.