Hydroponic Stores


Well-Known Member
I'm going to the new local hydro shop for the first time. I've always done my shopping online, so I'm curious what do you guys (in non medical states) say when you're asking about nutrients and stuff like that? I mean obviously I can't just ask about nutes for cannabis, not around here anyway haha.


Well-Known Member
just ask about the nutes, around here aint nobody growing tomatoes indoors bro. Dont mention anything about cannabis. I will go in and ask for recommendations about whatever I'm interested in purchasing. i.e., "I'm looking for some good flowering nutrients- bloom boosters, I already use a 2 part fertilizer, can you guys recommend anything?" and they will answer it as such. You dont have to say what you're growing and they shouldn't have cause to ask, in my experience a good hydro store has a staff that already knows and the part of the storefront is to keep that under wraps. It's like doctor patient confidentiality except nobody asks and nobody tells.


Well-Known Member
You dont need to say what your buying it for. You actually have a right to remain silent :)

If it comes up just say you grow tomatoes or a spice garden.


Well-Known Member
You dont need to say what your buying it for. You actually have a right to remain silent :)

If it comes up just say you grow tomatoes or a spice garden.
That's true, it really doesn't come up that often - it's kind of "Don't ask, don't tell - Wink-wink, nudge, nudge".

But one time the guy at the Hydro Shop asked me what I liked to grow (I'm a Grandpa so I really don't look the part of a "Grower"). I went blank for a second, then said "Tomatoes". Then I got a big "Shit eatting grin" on my face and held up both hands (like I was holding up a Canteloupe) "Big fuckin', potent, tomatoes!". Then he laughed and I laughed - "Wink, wink -Nudge, nudge!".
we don't care really what you say, It is our suppliers which are federaly bound and make us not talk about it. The guy at the store wants to make the sell, so Just say, peppers, or tomatoes


Well-Known Member
why do u have to talk to the workers. you should already know what to get before you go. i just walk in get what i need and leave. at the most its a have a good day..do u really think their gonna rat on u. its a buisness they want your money.... i live in a big city and to be honest i dont think the cops have enough money or man power to be stakin out hydro stores. good luck and think "tomatoes"


Well-Known Member
look at it this way who in the world goes to a hydro shop for any other reason but ....... that being said they will help you finish the sentence if your stuck. around here we all know if your setting up shop and dropping a few grand its not for tomatoes
They usually know exactly what you are in there for... Where I go the lady i got pointed us to all the fox farm products and SHE was the one making the pot inferences. If they got mad at you they would be out of business.


Well-Known Member
I recently went to my first hydro store last weekend...I was nervous about going for the same reason, and turned out to be some really nice people in there. I'm sure they knew what I was growing, but they never questioned it. Just relax, you'll be fine


Well-Known Member
go on line first, see what they may have. call them up and ask. make your grocery list and go and get what you need.


Active Member
look at it this way who in the world goes to a hydro shop for any other reason but ....... that being said they will help you finish the sentence if your stuck. around here we all know if your setting up shop and dropping a few grand its not for tomatoes
I buy fruit and veggie seeds to grow from the hydro store including tomatoes. The largest part of my garden was fruit and veggies. I spent $350 at the hydro store a year before even considering growing weed. So yes people go into the hydro store to grow legal fruits and veggies.

The only reason to think the hydro store thinks you grow weed is if you give them that reason. Oh and ANY of the hydro stores in my city will kick you out for even hinting you grow weed. But everyone seems to be pretty correct don't ask don't tell.


Well-Known Member
just roll up in there bust out a grapefruit sized amount of cash there will be no more questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
this reminds me of Homer when he goes to buy the illegal fireworks and instead, buys porno magazines, large box of condoms, panty shields, bottle of liquor, and two enema kits.
Marge : "I don't know what you have planned tonight, but count me out."