hydroponics for a microgrow?


Active Member
I will soon be recieving a cheapass full tower pc case...the biggest possible pc case I could get my hands on. I will be using CFL's as the main lighting source (and i may add led's as an extra at a later date, ive seen the components cheap on deal extreme and would quite like to make some)

What I am wondering is would I be able to build a hydrfoponic system in this space? Has anyone attempted any thing like this?

I will contiunue to look through threads to see if a micro hydro system has been built before and see if i can copy there design..

thanks for the help guys :) I will post some pics when i start building he system.


Well-Known Member
You won't get much of a yield....and will have to buy specialized dwarf seeds to grow in something that small. Much luck to ya but unless this is a hobby grow and not for consumption I wouldn't recommend trying to grow in such a small space.


Active Member
Im not worried about the outcome at this stage, its sort of an experiment, which I hope to document on this forum. Ive just read that hydroponics speeds up growth.

From what ive read so far i will need, an aquatics aration pump (should get one for about £5), a tray for the water...the resivor part (around £1 - £2?). Then whetever it is the rockwool sits in and of course the reletive nutrients


Well-Known Member
If you want something of similar size, run a search in the forums for the "AeroGarden" or an "AG". I know you are trying your own setup and I definitely don't want to discourage you from that. But you were asking about others with similar space requirements and these people have some experience with it. Also, I would read up on the GrowFAQ before planting your seeds...there is a lot of problems new users can run into with Hydroponic setups. Have Fun!


Active Member
Ok thank for the help, i do like the look af the aero garden but unfortunately its out of my budget and i would also like the achievement of building my on system (if that makes any sence lol)

Ok so Ive decided to use a "wick" meathod of hydroponics, to do this i will take a large non clear container wiht a lid and make circular holes in it to place the plant holders in. I will use an air pump to circulate the water. I need to decided on what medium to use....would rockwool surronded by small pebbles work? (im growing from seed)
Im now going to research what minerals i need.

thanks for the help ;)


Active Member
Well ive looked around at different hydroponic nutrient packs and they all seem pretty expensive. Im wondering if i can get a twin pack (one for veg and one for flower) of minerals for around £10? considering i wont need much for the small rigg i will be using.

thanks once again for the help guys.