Well some drift is to be expected. I agree 470 ppm would be very low for plants five weeks old. How much water are they using? The drift is consistent which is a good sign. How do the plants look? Is the growth healthy? I would run 820 and watch the rise over a few days, it might stabilize at some point. Do you have any Ph flux?
Cool man keep us updated.
Again I appreciate this!!!
The plants look great. I am just a worried papa. This being my first grow ever, I have been asking every possible question. I guess the only thing I can say is that I kind of expected them to be taller by now, but oh well right. (Unless I am doing something wrong in that regards.) Although, i did find 2 leaves that look bad on 1 of my OG plants. I did my best to take some photos, but my camera is not that good.
About the stabilization, that is a great idea, I did not know I can do that. Lets say that it eventually stabilizes around 1400, does that mean I should feed them at that ppm?
My ph flux is very minimal.
Finally, I did pre-soak my rock wool before placing the clones into them. What I think my problem was that maybe light was getting to the root zone. I have one of those grow tubs and I filled it with hydroton then placed the rockwool on the tops of the rocks. I did this so i could lift them to examine whether or not the cubes were ready for watering again. I just recently dug out all the rocks and and placed the cubes near the bottom of the tub and spread the rocks around them.
#1 all 4 of my children
#2 my girls
#3 White Widow
#4 OG (my smallest)
#5 OG (my largest)
#6 Jack the Ripper
#7 Leaf problem on largest OG
#8 Leaf problem on largest OG
Thank You,