Put me in the INDICA camp.
Someone can correct me if I am wrong, but sativa strains seem to be more in demand--is it the "speed" effect? I gave up caffeine years and years ago, including soft drinks. I get way too wired off them.
So based on that extensive

background, does anyone reading this have any clue as to why certain personality types/ physical types would prefer the UP or the DOWN of anything?
Yes, I'm serious. i don't like caffeine. Alcohol is strictly okay in my book (I"ve had enough hang over morning, thanks). BUT .... a clue. Back in the day . . . when "they" still made quaaludes? I LOVED them. I'm a downer lover. Anyone know or have a clue as to why? And yes, I'm a real high energy person. Would love to hear op's on this.
Sorry NG, to .... chatter about nonsense in your journal. Forgive? kiss-ass
Oh ... you know me and I know you, so this is okay, right? I hope so.
To all new lurkers? NG is THE MAN.
Yup, you heard it here first and from a soil person. Yup, NG is the man.
Signing out now. But does anyone know of any reliable patterns about people and their preferred types? I'm serious, not being silly (as I have been want to do lately, heh heh)
Night all.