
Really depends on alotta things. What stage of growth they where in before re transplanting from soil to hydro. What kinda hydro method ur using. Makeing sure the elements like PH and PPM are real close when transplanting. I've had seedling maybe into the second week of veg transplant real quick. Like the next day totally acclimated and takeing of nicely. And I've also taken a plant from soil to dwc during a reveg from flower and that plant took about a month to come back around to vegging and growing new growth so there's a lot of things that need to be taken into consideration while transplantin from soil to hydro but that should give u a general window to be looking at. One thing u don't want to do is over water directly upon transplant. It is easy to overwater a plant even in dwc. Id let them acclimate n break them in slowly. If ur in dwc leave the water level an inch or two under the net pots and make the roots grow to the feed. Hope this all helps. Peace.
I just transplanted my plant from soil to hydro, when will it snap out of shock and start growing again?Thanks

I transplanted from my aerocloner right into Ocean'f Forest by Fox Farm with good results. 5 days ago now I transplanted a girl out of my low pressure aeroponic veg system, she is in a 3.5 inch rockwool cube. I looked at trying to remove the cube, which I think would be possible on a larger plant, but the fine root system seems like it would be stripped from the stalk if I tried. I put in directly into Ocean's Forest and water like you would any transplant. I then waited 4 days until the pot felt like when I originally put the soil in. I was concerned that the cube would cause either root rot or stem rot buried beneath the soil like that. Is there a way to strip the cube? Is this just not a good practice? I thought when it was a larger stalk 1/2 diam or so that I could easily strip large chunks as the root mas has grown out of the cube by then.

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Do i need cal mag in my hydro system? Ive got an all water medium with the non submersable pump and also a coco coir flood system. The all water is looking strong, nice and green but the coco has browning on the very tips. I use the botincare line nuts. I have cal mag botanicare and just wondering if its going to help growth or not do anything at all. I keep my ph at 5.2. Im growning Bruce Banner#9 and have heard its an intermediate strain. I go quarter strength on everything. Im too afraid to bump up the half strength yet.
Do i need cal mag in my hydro system? Ive got an all water medium with the non submersable pump and also a coco coir flood system. The all water is looking strong, nice and green but the coco has browning on the very tips. I use the botincare line nuts. I have cal mag botanicare and just wondering if its going to help growth or not do anything at all. I keep my ph at 5.2. Im growning Bruce Banner#9 and have heard its an intermediate strain. I go quarter strength on everything. Im too afraid to bump up the half strength yet.

You can use cal mag in hydro. Your ph is really low. Is there a reason why? What is an all water medium with a non sub pump (under current?)?
Browning could just be heat or nute burn. How bad is it? If the BB looks healhy then its probably fine. I say do nothing if it looks fine. Cal mag is for deficiencies or supplemental. Its not always necessary.
So its my first time growing and I am using the flood system. I just decompressed my coco coir with 9 gallons of water.
I have been told to soak cal mag into it to. Is that right?
I started my first hydro last week, but the seed wont come up.. its germinated good and fast.. im using rockwool cubes.. I set it nearly 5 days ago.. any tips?
I started my first hydro last week, but the seed wont come up.. its germinated good and fast.. im using rockwool cubes.. I set it nearly 5 days ago.. any tips?
The seed that I put into rockwool tat was germinated in a bowl of water took a while to sprout in rockwool but once it did it was slow but its doing very nice right now.
Looks like med pot advocate Dennis Kucinich is going to be on the Congressional panels dealing with drug policy- and I think you're right, the med pot playing field is going to change dramatically- but not until there's a Dem in the White House. As long as there's a zero-tolerance proponent in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the war on sick people will still continue in earnest... :?

Dem in the whitehouse has done jack squat. Vote Ron Paul!
Quick question. After the seeds have germinated in rockwool do you remove it from the rockwool and then put it In pellets in the net cups?

no. if your having problems with the roots not leaving your rw cubes, your probably overwatering. rw retains a ton of water so when germinating in rw a good rule is to keep the cubes/plugs damp but never soggy or wet.. also a seedling heating mat could be the problem. bottom warmth is necessary because it sends the roots to the core of the earth so to speak??. idk. also let the cubes damn near dry out before rewetting and lightly water. the drying will send the roots looking for water down there by the core of the earth somewhere.
does hydro make your plants more prone to have mold issues then soil?

If you aren't taking down the humidity to the proper level either is dangerous. I haven't, yet, had a problem with my humidity. I know soil growers who do and I know hydro growers that do. It kind of depends on the atmosphere on the outside of the grow room as well. Outdoor(or outside of the indoor) temps, water saturation and everything will still affect you inside.
I'm in my grow room so much. I talk to the babies for some CO2 for them and I just love seeing how much they grow within even just a few hours.

Sorry to say that just being in the room, breathing doesn't boost the growing as much as you think,I have a very accurate co2:ppm controller, and you don't notice much of a difference,unless you are in a very small grow space.