
ok i have a ?.
How offten would one change the solution in a 45 ltr aeroponics container?

By checking my feed with a E.C meter ands it reading to high how do i bring it down?

im coming in to two my last weeks of flowering "flo" ill post some photos later, My ? is how long do i flush them for and whats the solution?

do you flush during flowering ,i never did before,should i be?

If you're running a high ppm feed, it's good to run a day of water every 2-4 weeks during flowering. Some growers just flush once when they change from veg to flower nutes.

ok i have a ?.
How offten would one change the solution in a 45 ltr aeroponics container?

By checking my feed with a E.C meter ands it reading to high how do i bring it down?

im coming in to two my last weeks of flowering "flo" ill post some photos later, My ? is how long do i flush them for and whats the solution?


Basic reservoir maintenance would say to change it entirely when you've added back 45 gallons of top off water. Barring that, every 2-4 weeks should suffice.

When you don't top off with plain water, the ppm will continue to rise. Adding plain water will bring it back to original levels.

In aeroponics, a 2-3 day flush before harvest is enough.

HTH :mrgreen:
Hi y’all,

I’m a medpot grower living in one of the eleven states where medicinal marijuana has been declared legal! I’m hoping that now with the Democrats in the majority, more and more states will realize that they can’t keep patients suffering from debilitating illnesses from a healing herb that has been used that way for centuries.

I have a small hydro grow next to my home office in the basement. I grow six female marijuana plants every four months under one grow light, a 600W High Pressure Sodium fixture with ballast. During the veg stage I use a conversion bulb to imitate sunlight.

A number of questions have been thrown out in this forum (how often to flush your system, how often to water, etc.) I’d like to add my two cents worth.

The other day I spoke to a very astute technical guy at Advanced Nutrients Medical. He said that he was trying out a small aeroponics unit and following the manufacturer’s instructions, he experienced root rot. He is growing the usual melange of vegetables and herbs—cherry tomatoes, hot chilli peppers, choy, basil, etc.

Then he did an experiment. He let the system go dry and it took three and a half hours before the cherry tomato plant showed any signs of water depravation, i.e. wilting. So he set the timer to one minute of watering, and one hour of drying in between each watering. The plants took off like gangbusters!

Now this man knows a lot about growing pot. He is only playing around with the aeroponics unit and the veggies, in order to test out his theories.

Let’s call him Tech Mike. He said that the top third of the roots of the cannabis plant needs oxygen. The middle third needs both oxygen and water. Only the bottom third is satisfied with a liquid diet.

Mike claims that the number one problem that pot growers face is overwatering. Taking too few pH readings is second.

If you’re growing in rock wool, for instance, the medium is drenched as soon as you water it and it retains the moisture for a very long time, resulting in your roots getting too much water and too little oxygen.

He has three rules of thumb: #1—Don’t apply, until they’re dry. #2—When in doubt, flush them out. #3—Uptake should be determined by leaf surface.

If your plants have a lot of leaves, they will drink more. In hydroponics, your reservoir is a good bio-feedback loop. Make notches on the inside of your res to keep track of how much your pot plants drink.

The res should be changed out weekly. After you add your weekly mixture of macro and micro-nutrients, plus any growth or bloom additives, you start measuring how much solution is disappearing. Add water only to make up the shortfall each day. By the end of the week your res should be 50 to 70% of your original concentration.

Don’t pay too much attention to the ppm. Increasing by increments of 200ppm up to week four and then decreasing by increments back to week eight of the cycle, whether vegetative or flowering, is only a guideline. Mother Nature never maintains a level. It fluctuates.

I’ve had incredibly good experiences with Iguana Juice Grow and Bloom, as well as with Organic B and Colossal Bud Blast. But I’ve recently switched to Sensi Grow, A&B and Sensi Bloom, A&B, largely because Mike told me that these products are more cost effective and that they’re cannabis specific. Also, synthetics are better for a hydro grow, since they dissolve better and don't clog up the pump as frequently as do organics.

Advanced Nutrients Medical has put years of research effort into designing the best products to grow the biggest and most potent buds possible.

Don’t believe me? Visit their website and learn. Call their tech line for more info. Come to think of it, visit my blog for more details.


Very nice post Wes, loving life now. I have learned alot just from reading that =) Thanks again man
Originally Posted by Wes
Hi y’all,

I’m a medpot grower living in one of the eleven states where medicinal marijuana has been declared legal! I’m hoping that now with the Democrats in the majority, more and more states will realize that they can’t keep patients suffering from debilitating illnesses from a healing herb that has been used that way for centuries.

Looks like med pot advocate Dennis Kucinich is going to be on the Congressional panels dealing with drug policy- and I think you're right, the med pot playing field is going to change dramatically- but not until there's a Dem in the White House. As long as there's a zero-tolerance proponent in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the war on sick people will still continue in earnest... :?
Hey Pot Roast, could you elaborate on proper nute management. My setup is a SH bubbleponic 6 planter kit w/ SH nutes and foliar spray. (28) 27 Watt CFLs, 1 CO2 boost bucket. Lets say we're starting from seeds.
Proper nute management means giving your plants everything that they want when they need it. It's simple. :mrgreen:

Obviously, using a meter to know your ppm is the best way, but without that, you can go by the label directions, but don't use what they say. Start with 1/4 strength when the plants are small, and increase it to one half strength as they get bigger. Watch your plants, if they get too strong a ppm mix, they will react, usually with curling down leaf tips, or browning tips.

How much nutes they will use depends on the other factors of growth, how much light they are getting, etc. Each factor must supply what the plant needs for everything to work properly.

Hope This Helps :mrgreen:
Question of PH.... Eb and flow system...rock wool..flowering stages..Ph jumps from 5.8 to 6 2 in 12 hours adding 10 mls of pH down per day. The rtock wool was washed etc....Whats up?
Then he did an experiment. He let the system go dry and it took three and a half hours before the cherry tomato plant showed any signs of water depravation, i.e. wilting. So he set the timer to one minute of watering, and one hour of drying in between each watering. The plants took off like gangbusters!

is this using rockwool , this experiment...
All right! Hydroponics is what I know, and hydroponics is the way I grow! :bigjoint:

This forum will be great, we can discuss anything hydro. No dirtbags here, We haul water!

We can compare the different nutrient salts, and all of the additives. Plus the kinds of soilless media and what irrigation system is best for each. And of course, pH and TDS measuring equipment, feeding and flushing, etc.

And all the while, we'll make fun of those guys hauling big bags of dirt! :blsmoke:

I can't think of any questions right now, what do YOU want to know?


Greetings P-roast! I need help. I'm in the planning stages for a 4'x4' grow room in my home (actually it will be built under my deck witch is sbout 7' in height). I don't know if hydro or aero is the way to go. I know little about either. Also I have two very small plants (about 7-8 inches that have grown under some bunk flourescent light). They haven'y grown too much (7-weeks old) because of the weak light but they do look very healthy otherwise.
Greetings P-roast! I need help. I'm in the planning stages for a 4'x4' grow room in my home (actually it will be built under my deck witch is sbout 7' in height). I don't know if hydro or aero is the way to go. I know little about either. Also I have two very small plants (about 7-8 inches that have grown under some bunk flourescent light). They haven'y grown too much (7-weeks old) because of the weak light but they do look very healthy otherwise.

Greetings to you. Maybe it's just because I'm getting old, but is there a question in there? :mrgreen:

If you want to know which method to use to grow, you answered that question yourself when you said "I know little about either."

Grow your plants in pots of dirt.

HTH :mrgreen:
pr, i have a question for you. what can i use as a temporary fix for a cal deff? i'm pulling my hair out worrying. cal/mag is on the way, check my thread...



Well, to be perfectly honest, I don't think that your plants have a deficiency. It may appear that they do, but since you are feeding them a strong mix, there is probably ample calcium in there. Maybe it has been locked up, and therefore is unavailable to the plants though. It's been suggested that you flush the medium, this not only dilutes the concentration of nutes in the medium, it also can unlock compounds that have formed and are unavailable. A clearing product like Clearex, or FloraClear can be added to flush water to help this. Absent a clearing product, a very low concentration of nutes will flush.

HTH :mrgreen:
i appreciate the help, i uploaded a couple of pix, one of the roots, and one of the leaves. the yellowing is from my light and my camera, in reality, they are a nice emerald. but, the rust spots keep on spreading...

also, i was assuming that i was using a light mix, i started with 1/4 tsp per gallon of each, just over 1ml of each per gallon, no epsom salts.

then, once they started growing well, and the root took off, i upped to what the label say is general purpose light mix. 1tsp per gallon, or 5ml per gallon.

the one who got me into waterfarming suggested that i up my nutes to 8ml per gallon (just over 1 1/2 tsp) and to add one table spoon of epsom per ten gallons.

i only added one table spoon of epsom salts, and my res is 15g...

i'm worried now, i anxiously await a reply... oh, pix on my thread.

should i go back to cutting strength? 5ml per gallon?
When I obtained my 2nd tank, it allowed me to do many comparison studies and experiments.
The most impressive experiment was draining one tank empty, waiting ten minutes and replinishing it with the same water and nutes. I always got a growth spurt when i changed the water, I'd get a fantastic growth spurt. After a while, i leanred I didn't have to add NEW water and nutes to get that growth spurt. After many test, I am certain that exposing hydroponic roots to air, allowing them to breath for 5 to 15 minutes really excites them to growth., even when adding back the same water and nutes. I am afraid to go beyond the 15 minutes of dryness.
I saw a remarkable difference when I added a 2nd and then a 3rd airstone is what gave me the idea.
Now, at less than 2 weeks, I suggest changing the water every ten to 14 days. After the roots are dangling in the water, I change it every 7 to 10 days, and after they are 8 weeks old, I drain and replinish as often as I can, even if I am adding back the same nutes and water.
This supports the big post up above.
completly new to hydro system...
can anyone help out??

To start with "HYDRO" means water. remember H2O ? the H = Hydrogen, thus Hydro or Hydroponics.
Normally we grow pot outdoors, in soil, as weather, especially the seasons, permit.
Normally you'd plant outdoors, in dirt, in April or May........then harvest when the first frost is approaching, around September or October. (I am going to make a point) All this averages 6 months and the plants are getting light half the day and darkness the other half. And it rains on ocasions, or the pot is watered every 2 to 5 days. And when it is rained on, (or watered) it gets food (nuttrients) then. AND A SMALL AMOUNT OF OXYGEN gets to the roots WHEN IT RAINS OR IS WATERED. Again this cycle takes over 6 months.
Well, if you grow indoors, and control the lights, you can give them lights 24/7, meaning lights 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. That alone can cut those 6 months in half, to 3 months, since you are doubling the light. AND since you control the climate, (temp and humidity) and you control the water and nutes, (again 24/7) you can grow pot in water, HYDROPONICALLY, and deliver oxygen to the roots 24/7 with BUBBLEPONICS,
I like giving my plants the best....Like a fine wine....I change my water every 7 to 10 days. I flush with Clearex 2.5 ounces per 5 gal H20. I use deionized water. on my last watering I flush 3 times the size of the container
IE: one quart planters = 3 quarts flush solution. Then I flush with plain water. Be sure to adjust the PH to 5.5 to 6.0
I agree with Wes. I am also using Advanced Nutrients and could not be happier with the results or the incredible tec support. Its so nice to know there ate tecs. using and trying ideas and tactits using the same nutrients my girls are on. The support staff is incredible and so is their products. Advanced Nutrients makes products fro everything so you dont have to swich companys for different solutions.. If you never looked into them I would recomend them for your hydro grow. I wanna thank everyone on this site. You guys are amazing and have some incredible advice.. Thanks for sharing your experienced brains with all of us wanting to grow ours.. Its nice to see people into this as much or more than me.. Lets make the world green and smell like skunk!! hahahaha .. Thanks again all!! :joint::blsmoke:
Hi y’all,

I’m a medpot grower living in one of the eleven states where medicinal marijuana has been declared legal! I’m hoping that now with the Democrats in the majority, more and more states will realize that they can’t keep patients suffering from debilitating illnesses from a healing herb that has been used that way for centuries.

I have a small hydro grow next to my home office in the basement. I grow six female marijuana plants every four months under one grow light, a 600W High Pressure Sodium fixture with ballast. During the veg stage I use a conversion bulb to imitate sunlight.

A number of questions have been thrown out in this forum (how often to flush your system, how often to water, etc.) I’d like to add my two cents worth.

The other day I spoke to a very astute technical guy at Advanced Nutrients Medical. He said that he was trying out a small aeroponics unit and following the manufacturer’s instructions, he experienced root rot. He is growing the usual melange of vegetables and herbs—cherry tomatoes, hot chilli peppers, choy, basil, etc.

Then he did an experiment. He let the system go dry and it took three and a half hours before the cherry tomato plant showed any signs of water depravation, i.e. wilting. So he set the timer to one minute of watering, and one hour of drying in between each watering. The plants took off like gangbusters!

Now this man knows a lot about growing pot. He is only playing around with the aeroponics unit and the veggies, in order to test out his theories.

Let’s call him Tech Mike. He said that the top third of the roots of the cannabis plant needs oxygen. The middle third needs both oxygen and water. Only the bottom third is satisfied with a liquid diet.

Mike claims that the number one problem that pot growers face is overwatering. Taking too few pH readings is second.

If you’re growing in rock wool, for instance, the medium is drenched as soon as you water it and it retains the moisture for a very long time, resulting in your roots getting too much water and too little oxygen.

He has three rules of thumb: #1—Don’t apply, until they’re dry. #2—When in doubt, flush them out. #3—Uptake should be determined by leaf surface.

If your plants have a lot of leaves, they will drink more. In hydroponics, your reservoir is a good bio-feedback loop. Make notches on the inside of your res to keep track of how much your pot plants drink.

The res should be changed out weekly. After you add your weekly mixture of macro and micro-nutrients, plus any growth or bloom additives, you start measuring how much solution is disappearing. Add water only to make up the shortfall each day. By the end of the week your res should be 50 to 70% of your original concentration.

Don’t pay too much attention to the ppm. Increasing by increments of 200ppm up to week four and then decreasing by increments back to week eight of the cycle, whether vegetative or flowering, is only a guideline. Mother Nature never maintains a level. It fluctuates.

I’ve had incredibly good experiences with Iguana Juice Grow and Bloom, as well as with Organic B and Colossal Bud Blast. But I’ve recently switched to Sensi Grow, A&B and Sensi Bloom, A&B, largely because Mike told me that these products are more cost effective and that they’re cannabis specific. Also, synthetics are better for a hydro grow, since they dissolve better and don't clog up the pump as frequently as do organics.

Advanced Nutrients Medical has put years of research effort into designing the best products to grow the biggest and most potent buds possible.

Don’t believe me? Visit their website and learn. Call their tech line for more info. Come to think of it, visit my blog for more details.

All right! Hydroponics is what I know, and hydroponics is the way I grow! :bigjoint:

This forum will be great, we can discuss anything hydro. No dirtbags here, We haul water!

We can compare the different nutrient salts, and all of the additives. Plus the kinds of soilless media and what irrigation system is best for each. And of course, pH and TDS measuring equipment, feeding and flushing, etc.

And all the while, we'll make fun of those guys hauling big bags of dirt! :blsmoke:

I can't think of any questions right now, what do YOU want to know?

hey pot is ebb better than aero or are both trial and era just starting to do hydro was dirt got to see which is better . if you have any tips please feel free to pass on . doing the ebb thing . panhead