Hydroton discontinued????


Active Member
The shopkeep at the local hydro store said that Hydroton will no longer be manufacturing theyre signature clay balls anymore. supposedly all the venders recieved a statement telling them this. Something about stripping the mine and lower quality clay. I dont know the brand name,DSCF1287.jpgDSCF1288.jpgDSCF1289.jpg but this is what we are left with around this area. $0.02 Hydroton took too much effort to get clean prior to use.


Active Member
is there anyone who has tested this alternate stuff? you may give us a report on the quality and experience. like it or hate it. not a big topic i know but Hydroton lasts so long i wont have any experience with this stuff for a few years im sure . all input is apprecieated.


Active Member
I use Canna Hydro Clay and that seems to work fine....I do boil them first just to get them ultra clean and sterile 1st (just to be on the safe side :) but they are fairy stable PH-wise and have always worked well for me, if that helps at all? - ZTELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Anybody ever handle hydroton and not drop at least one marble on floor? Whats your secret? Fuck they hurt when you step on one in your sock feet too. I saw some bags at my store better stock up


Active Member
My local guy said it will be a year or so before its all gone, said to much still out there to sell. I bought a couple spare 50 pound bags just in case:lol:


Active Member
LOL!!!! It really does hurt when you step on them. I still find hydroton here and there but for the most part its all hydrocorn. I will be using the hydrocorn in a "Heath" setup. I will report. PS, I dunno what im doing wrong but after a year I still have orange dust coming off the hydroton and I still have to battle pH with daily maintenance. (waterfarms....go figure)Thanks 4 the input (S)Ztelthy. I really like stable medium. I still have 10 gallons of hydroton from the waterfarms.


Active Member
OK! Im liking the new Hydrocorn stuff.it performs just as good as Hydroton but there is a lot more smaller rocks slipping through the net cups than I prefer. dunno if its the medium or the setup but im getting a little white speckles on the roots . it seems kinda like maybe a fungus or mold or sumtin.H2O2 killed it for a day or 2 then it came back. may be a coincidence. maybe I should have sterilized the rocks first. that's what blind faith got me, mold.ne way the product is good for me. stays moist fills net cups anchors roots , its alright.I still have 7 gal. hydroton.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I got Growrocks because I couldn't get hydroton and I seem to like them better. The irregular shape lets them interlock and the plants don't move around much in the cup.


Well-Known Member
I also prefer the rocks.

I have opened a bag of the replacement my hydro store carries
and they look much the same as hydroton, cant imagine they perform any different.


Active Member
I have had a lot more waste from abused product and used product with the hydrocorn than I ever had with the hydroton. btw thanks for the input everyone .


Well-Known Member
I am using Viastone hydro pellets from Home Depot. The cost is was $32.00 for a 50lb bag. So far its working well!


Active Member
Please give a report on the Viastone, if you will. There is not enough new information on this site to feed me. peace


Well-Known Member
Please give a report on the Viastone, if you will. There is not enough new information on this site to feed me. peace
I'm no expert when it comes to Hydroton but 3 of my Pots are with Viastone and 1 is with original Hydroton and I see no differance among them. They both require lots of cleaning prior to use but not a big deal. The Viastone seems to have darker brown appearance. I actually just top dressed my clay pellets with 1" of oolite and DE media cuz I have lots of soil Gnats flying around and don't want it to get into the media.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I still like the Growstones. The irregular shape anchors the plants much better imo. I wouldn't go back to hydroton.