Hygroslime? and brown algae? HELP!


Alright, been growing THC bomb, so far it's growing great right now. Unfortunately I had some hiccups in the start so the growth got stunted a bit, and I beleieve it has happened again. I went through some trial and error with Hygrozyme, I was told it was beneficial bacteria so I included it in my res. But every-time I added it, in the matters of hours I would have brown algae forming on the bottom of the res., eventually clumping up on the roots. If I let it go it will eventually turn into brown particles floating in the reservoir.

If I did not add any Hygrozyme I would be perfectly fine, no algae. Nothing I keep my res temps constantly in the high 60's so I don't see that an issue. I used Fox Farm nute line, which could be a factor.

So tonight, I cleaned out the res and all the lines and airstones. Dipped the root system in a 50/50 h2o2 and RO water, let it soak then rinsed the roots, and dunked once again than rinsed again and soaked in RO for 2 minutes. Luckily all the algae broke off and dissolved off the roots. I switched the nute line to GH using 1/4 strength Lucas Formula, and some H2O2 4 capfuls of 3% (might be not enough.) But my res. temps are good so I don't know.

I got a reading of 222 PPM and 5.9Ph

Now for my other grow in a different bubbler, has GH with Lucas Formula and Hygrozyme and there is no brown algae and the res temps are same as the other one, I don't if it's the nute line causing the brown algae.

Should I try a Microbe Tea? I got the materials coming in the mail (Aqua Shield, ZHO, Earthworm Casings) I'm using Heisenberg's Tea directions.

I want to conquer this brown algae thing, maybe the nute line change might do the trick and lose the Hygrozyme.

Organics in Hydro is starting to seem like a pain in the ass.

Any advice?

Here's some pics before and after.



Active Member
Please share as much information about your setup as possible to aid in assisting you.

We need total volume of water, amount of air stones, hydro setup type ie. DWC, Aero, F/D, DTW, etc., water temps.

I am not going to spend the time researching Hygrozyme, but, anything "zyme" imo is not organic free and will cause issues in a hydro setup!

NUMBER 1 RULE OF THUMB IN HYDRO: NO ORGANICS! PERIOD! (unless you are a guru and have tested certain products)

This may help a wee bit!


New Member
The point isn't to use organics, it's to use synthetic nutes and add bennies so that they out number the pathogens. You should keep all "organic" material out of the res so the pathogens have nothing to feed on and starve off and die. Your bennies will die off too and that is why we replace them every 3-4 days. Because of the diverse population of species you introduce, the bad shit can't over populate and get out of control. The reason you get slimed is because enzymes are a food for microbes. So while there are some bennies in the hygrozyme, you are basically feeding the slime already in your res. Heisenberg says not to use enzymes in systems prone to slime.

If you like the root slime cure thread, skim through it only reading Heisenberg's posts. He's a fuckin gold mine for learning about bennies in hydro... everything I learned about bennies is from that thread. Next time instead of getting aquashied and zho, just get mycogrow soluble from fungi.com. Cheap as fuck and it's the same shit as great white but without the starter enzyme. Don't forget black strapped molasses for your tea to feed the bennies. You want to use only enough molasses so that after 48 hours the bennies have eaten it; don't want molasses in the res (in dwc)... so like 1 TBSP for 2 gallons of water I find. Or you could probably use up your hygrozyme to feed the tea.

If you are getting algae your res isn't light proof.


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever own a fishtank?you know a aquarium?
you use filters to keep the beneficial bacteria alive and happy,and you never want to clean a filter with chlorine water,peroxide,ect. It kills all of the beneficial bacteria.

think of your res like a fish tank,add a HOB filter and you will notice great results in a fully organic hydro setup.
but it takes a lot of trial and error.
in a full 4week veg,8-9week flower I don't clean my filter once.but I clean my Rez once a week when I add New nutrients.

also a beneficial thing to read about is compost teas,you can make many different recipes.i usually add it once every week or two halfway through the week.

i don't suggest you go full organic all at once,it takes a lot of learning and adjustments.do it slowly and don't put all your eggs in one basket.i mean try one hydro setup doing organics and keep your other ones full synthetic until you get the hang of organics.

but I suggest you go full synthetic or full organic don't mix the two.

ps- while running a HOB filter on the rez you don't need a sponge filter on your water pump.

full organics won't work with high pressure aeroponics,everything will clog,even with a HOB aquarium filter


Please share as much information about your setup as possible to aid in assisting you.

We need total volume of water, amount of air stones, hydro setup type ie. DWC, Aero, F/D, DTW, etc., water temps.

I am not going to spend the time researching Hygrozyme, but, anything "zyme" imo is not organic free and will cause issues in a hydro setup!

NUMBER 1 RULE OF THUMB IN HYDRO: NO ORGANICS! PERIOD! (unless you are a guru and have tested certain products)

This may help a wee bit!
4 gallons of water, 2 airstones (looks like a boiling calduron) DWC temps stay in the 68 degree area and rise sometimes to no les than 71 degrees


Well-Known Member
dude just use your nutes water and a few tbls of hydrogen peroxide..this will keep you stable and with roots that smell and taste like a salad... using all that extra bullshit that is cool and neat and probably suggested by a hydro store to make a profit off of you is just straight up useless. stick with the basics and you will grow great tasting weed without slime or root rot..


New Member
Hygrozyme could definitely be the cause for your concern. You are not alone with appearance of ‘brown algae’ after putting in Hygrozyme. I've heard this from lots of people.