Hygrozyme + H2o2 = ?


Junior Creatologist
Ok, so i just had a BAAAAAAAAAAAD bout with Nutrient burn, as i decided to try n use a different nutrient for this grow (Technaflora's BC nutrients). I usually use FF nutes, but since im now an Ebb n Flowhead, I wanted to change things up a bit. Now, since im used to using FF (its hard to burn your plants with FF unless your physically trying to kill them, lol), I guess i got a little over zealous with the BC nutes, and ended up burning the shit out of them. So immediately i emptied my rez, filled it with clean, PH'd water, and am currently flushing them for 2 days, n tomorrow ill reintroduce nutrients, after a couple floods with some Hygrozyme. Now, my question is this:

If i have fresh h2o2 in my rez, do i have to empty the rez out n replace the water before i hit it with the Hygrozyme? And if so, what if its been a good 2-3 days since i added the Peroxide? would the stuff had enough time to dissipate into the water, to the point where the peroxide wouldnt kill the enzymes in the hygro?

Im new to Hydroponics. Im running two 3x3 tables with 40 plants, and in two weeks ill be throwing up some netting, to ScrOG all of my single cola big bitches ;). I just wanna make sure that the next two weeks are problem free, so all my girls have time to beef up nice n big for me, before i kick them into flower. One of the trays is full of nicely growing plants, all at least 10-11 inches tall with leaves bigger than my hand. The other tray is all clones and seedlings, that i decided to plant late in the game, just to get up my weight n experience a little more dealing with having to flower plants at all stages of life. Im using something like 11 strains in the trays, as im trying to find my favorite plant to work with on a more permanent basis. Once this grow is done, ill be going SOG perpetual from here on out, adding another 2-4 tables into the mix, so i guess you could say that alot is riding on the success of this grow, and my general overall understanding of how hydroponics work for me, over the next 10 wks.

Thanks for any help you guys can provide in advance. I really appreciate it.



New Member
The H2O2 is for a nute flush, right? I would't use them in combo. Catch it next res change. The H2O2 might have disapated by now but why take chances. I add mine to the res after I ph adjust the water, add the nutes, recheck the PH, Check the PPM, then add the hygrozyme and some cal-mag (using hard tap water and it seems to help), check ph and PPM! It's ready, aim, fire. Sounds like you have a solid plan in mind and all plans tend to work with hydro as long as you look after the water, nute level and light. 11 strains! Wow. That sound complicated! Got to be like a jigsaw puzzle getting them to screen up! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
im with mr crazy here, the lable says you can use h2o2 together with hygro in small amounts, but hygro nor anyone else i know can confirm what a "small amount is" since i introduced the stuff into my grows, my h2o2 is now relegated to cleaning duties, the allure of adding oxygen to your water is huge, but hygrozyme in my case is unbelievably effective on its own that i wouldnt dare add anything to counteract it, an air stone and a decent medium should get your roots plenty of oxygen, all of this you already know. may i ask what since i know your experienced and ive seen you all over riu, do you have a decent grasp on controlling rez temps? summer is coming and the reason i use hygro is cus i had root rot from high rez temps, since then i have a/c's in all my spaces, and to think of it, i havent seen a hydro setup without an a/c in it.


New Member
I've got a small grow area 3x4x7. I can keep the closet door open but it still gets to about 76-79 degrees in there. When it gets above 75 I put 4 one liter frozen water bottles and that keeps everything where it should be. Yes, the hygrozyme helps a lot to avoid the root rot. Had rot my first grow and have been using it to help ever since with no reoccurance. I use hygrozyme for the root health and clean with FloraKleen a couple of hours before each res change. You could probably just run some H2o2 the same way. I'd say start with a half dose and see how it goes. No matter what you learn as you grow. I tend to lean on the heavy side with my nutes so clearing it with something is almost mandatory. Pure strain I'm growing now ( Blue Cheese and LSD from Barney's farm) is a bit more touchy ( PH and nute wise) then the bag seeds I used in previous grows but the roots are twice the size so I must be doing something right.


Junior Creatologist
Yeah, thats what i did today. I just ran some Tap with a dose of H2o2 in there, ran it through my system a couple times, dumped, n then refilled, nuted, ph'd, ppm'd, n then added in my hygrozyme n cal-mag. So im hoping that after the shitty occurance i just had with nutrient burn, things will pick up immensly over the next week here. im glad i caught it when i did, fortunately only one plant looks like it got the worst of it, the rest of the gals have a leaf here n there that are burnt, but nothing serious. So i picked up n moved right along, still a little under 2 wks from flower, so well see how it goes from here.

As for temps, i bought a chiller for the hot summer months to come, but in the meantime my rez is at pretty ideal conditions. Im right around 20-21 degrees C (im american, but its easier to just say fuck it n get used to the metric system with everything, lol), which from what i understand is a pretty acceptable temp for the rez. my cold basement floor seems to keep the situation under control for the time being, n who the hell am i to complain, eh? lol, Thanks for all the help guys, i really appreciate you coming through when i needed advice the most this time around :D




New Member
Sounds like you have it under control. I've burned hundreds of leaves so you will not have a problem. Remember these are weeds we are dealing with and hard to kill. I help because I was helped. Pass it on. When you get to full flower you'll need to leaf tuck for max production. It's easy. If a fan leaf is in the way of a bud getting direct light, tuck it under. Peace.