

Well-Known Member
Hello people. I was wondering if anyone had any experience using Hygrozyme? If so could you tell me if I mix this product in math my nutrients? I'm growing in Coco and wasn't quite sure if it's mixed into your nutrient and how often? I feed/ water everyday. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Yes, it's good stuff......BUT it can be pricey and there are things just as effective for much less $$$$$$. I use Z7 by Flying Skull and although it's 2 parts, it's quite cheap and last a long time as you only use 5ml per 10 gallons of solution. I believe Hygrozyme application rates start at around 2.5ml per gallon, and then rise to 5ml and above. And, yes it's mixed in after you nutes are added and it's pH'd, then add the enzyme.

I believe you should be using enzymes with every watering. I've read a few detailed reports about how the final product weight increased about 15%, plants were taller and wider, roots systems clean and white, etc. Stop using about 2 weeks before harvest.

Bottom line, they enable the plants to do a better job of absorbing nutrients thus the plants are getting more nourishment and will be healthier.


Well-Known Member
So after I mix all my nutes and ph it put the Hygrozyme in then. I take it Hygrozyme won't raise ppm levels or ph? This is the directions on the bake of the Hygrozyme bottle


Well-Known Member
I gotold 4 autos going right now......thevett breeder said they are done in 8 weeks from seed that's bullshit cause they are 42 days old and preflowering now.....the breeder also claims you can use small pot size cause they get no taller than 12-14 nches producing rock hard bud......well they are full of shit on that one too cause every one of them is taller than 14 inches they are 20 inches pluses right now......they just did that preflower strech


Well-Known Member
Most manufacturers want you to use at a high rate so you use it up quick and have to order more......Young plants I would go at 25% of the recommended rate, in veg maybe 50% and 75% in bloom or there-abouts..........as fertilizer builds up in the soil as the plant ages, it better to use more enzyme and use LESS fertilizer.......

3 gallon pots at a minimum should be used, I grow feminized and always use 4-5 gallon pots. Auto 2-3 gallon pots should be ok but bigger is always better as plant roots like to spread.

You can't rely on breeders stated info...they are trying to sell seeds so they often exaggerate the details to make strains look better.
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Well-Known Member
I use hygrozyme in my hydroponics, 10ml per gal is the best rate. It works great to keep drip feeders from clogging and prevent root rot.


Well-Known Member
Bottled enzymes from the hydro stores have never made a noticeable difference in my plants. Above the soil line or below. That being said....go to Wal mart and buy dry granular or powder enzymes for homemade out door ponds. Much cheaper.


So they make capsules full of enzymes it's called zyme and green planet nutrients makes it is like it I've used a few enzyme products and there's is the freshest out there 1 cap for 10 gals