

Well-Known Member
anybody heard of this? apparently its insane... read an erowid report of some1 tripping off of it... thought they were smoking cigarettes but they kept turning to dust in his hands... but in reality he never had any cigs. :-/
"Hyoscyamine is an anticholinergic, specifically an antimuscarinic, working by blocking the action of acetylcholine at parasympathetic sites in smooth muscle, secretory glands and the CNS; increases cardiac output, dries secretions, and antagonizes serotonin. At comparable doses, hyoscyamine has 98 per cent of the anticholinergic power of atropine and the other major belladonna-derived drug scopolamine having 92 per cent of the antimuscarinic potency of atropine."

"Hyoscyamine is used to provide symptomatic relief to various gastrointestinal disorders including spasms, peptic ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, pancreatitis, colic and cystitis. It has also been used to relieve some heart problems, control some of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, as well as for control of respiratory secretions in end of life care."

"Side effects include dry mouth and throat, eye pain, blurred vision, restlessness, dizziness, arrythmia, flushing, faintness. An overdose will cause headache, nausea, vomiting and CNS symptoms including disorientation, hallucinations, euphoria, inappropriate affect, short-term memory loss and possible coma in extreme cases."

Hyoscyamine can be extracted from plants of the [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solanaceae"]Solanaceae[/URL] family, notably Datura stramonium.

more plants that have hallucinogenic substances! :mrgreen:
weird though, never heard of this drug. sounds fun though :blsmoke:
Haha well i've never asked a schizo if it's fun being a schizo, but maybe if you just went w/ it you could?? haha

Well i took 1.25 mg's(i think 10 .125 pills.. they're tiny)... i got a little drowsy, EXTREMELY dry mouthed and my nose blocked up to the point where i snorted water to get it enough to blow out... nothin crazy though... i was figuring if anything it'd be like a benadryl trip w/ some euphoric feeling... i dont think i did enough though. May give it another shot.
oh my god that is what is in datura man its inbtense i have done it 2 times and never again i dont think we boiled like 2 full seed pods per person our neightbor used to have them growing in her front yard and i only remember one trip but basically my fiance felldown the basement stairs and fell into our tv breaking it saying she was being thrown around the house by evil spirits and while this was going on i saw her laying in the bed with me talking but she was really stumbling aorund breaking shit and i saw a man all dressed in black with a all black face not like black folks black but like just black no features and he kept following me everywhere just lurking in the corner it was wierd some other kids in town who did it ended up naked in the street with a chainsaw jnot sure what theyt were doing

its intense stuff not for amatuers
Do you guys think you could give me a rough estimate as to what a safe dose would be for an intense but not OD trip?? I weigh about 125lbs. I want to give something an experience at least one time to see what it's like, and now that i've run into this i'd like to try it, but whatever advice you guys have would be awesome..

BTW. the pills are .125mg's each, so 8 pills a mg??? I read of one trip report on erowid and a 190lb person did 3mg's and said it was the most intense trip he's had. Would this seem a pretty good amount? That ratio for 125lbs is 1.97.... so i figure 2mg's.. does this seem alright?
Thanks microdizzey... but i'd just like some1 to answer my question w/out the ol' opinions about better alternatives... tried most... just looking to experience more things and give more things a shot.
I've tried it....and my mouth was so dry I couldnt drink enough water. My throat was all closing up from being dry. But they have preparation recipes on erowid. Because the seeds can vary greatly in potency, Youre supposed to make a tea from the seeds. The darker brown, the more potent. It tastes GOD AWFUL. We sipped ours...took about a half a mason jar apiece. But I am no expert on dosage. Try less than you think you need and drink water a lot. I think Hunter S. Thompson described being on it in one of his books as the devils weed. Its called Jimson weed or thornapple, and the seed pods don't show up on the plant till mid july, I think. Look it up for a pic.
Did you enjoy it though?
No I didnt, sorry to say. And the cottonmouth was so unpleasant I wouldnt try it again...all the old mucus membranes dried up. I've also tried nutmeg...that didnt work either. I think the reason these substances arent more popular is because youre never sure what youre gonna get...now some folks may have had glowing experiences...but just not me.
It sounds like you almost need to physically prepare yourself for the trip to counteract the side effects of it.(DXM... take a pis b4 you take it. haha.. youwont be able to afterwards.)
I've smoked 5x extract w/ no success(didnt do it right i'm positive.) but i am definitely going to give that a shot as well.