Hyperfan Cutting Out

Hopefully someone can shed some light on my issue... I have had two hyper fans 6" as the main extraction. My first one cut out during flower and would start back up after unplugging and plugging back in after a minute or two. This happened a few times before taking it back. So got a new one, after the second run its done it again, cutting out every ten mins. Asif its overheating yet the fan is not hot or warm to touch. Tried different sockets, different cables but issues carried on. Shut it all down...anyways i thought how could two hyperfans go faulty? so i powered it back up the next day on its own with nothing attached, and its been running 5 hours solid.

When it cuts out I can hear like a click almost like a hair dryer when it reaches peak temp. My room is between 20 - 27 max, and humidity at around 50%.

This is my setup: 30cm Carbon Filter 6" Rhino -> half a meter insulation duct -> 6" Hyperfan -> Silencer -> 3 meters insulation duct.

My initial thoughts was faulty leads and cables, so replaced all with new, new surge protector, and RCD plug to see if anything was faulty. The RCD remained live when the fan cut out. Checked fuse, even the speed controller.

My only things i can think causing two fans to fail is either too much pressure on the fan, maybe insulation ducting fibreglass damaging the internals, overheating...

Any advice???? these fans are like 170 quid each, so not really expecting them to break too easily....
Carbon filters add restriction, slinky duct is garbage if you used that.

The click you hear is likely a thermal breaker inside the unit that is kicking it off to protect against an overheat. An indication the ductwork is not straight enough and has too much static pressure loss (friction).
@Renfro thanks for the reply. I am using insulation ducting and relatively smooth inside. I have a few slight bends which I can address.

you recon I may of damaged the fan progressively over time? Or do you recon if I smooth out the duct line and make it short as possible it will be ok? I thought the fan was under too much pressure sucking through the small carbon filter then the air blowing into a silencer and then through the rest of the duct...cheers
Maybe a faulty batch with the thermal breaker set wrong.

How long you had this set up?
What's your filter rated for and what the fan cfm?

How about intake? I assume passive but can the tent and room get enough fresh air in passively so the fan isn't overworked?

I have seen plenty of overworked fans from various causes of heavy resistance but I have never seen a fan cut off from it.
@coreywebster thanks for the reply.
The filter is 600m3/hr and the fan Is 535m3/hr.
The setup seems to fail when it’s on 24/7.
Maybe a dodgy batch but I did get them both with around 4 months apart.
The air intake is just air brought in through one of the openings, and relies on the suction of the hyperfan to draw air in. The tent still is a little tight but not major so perhaps I’m causing it to over work, breaking the fan? Ill open up another air intake to see if that takes away some of the stress and reduce the length of the ducting. I was under the impression these fans were designed to withstand pressure.
@coreywebster thanks for the reply.
The filter is 600m3/hr and the fan Is 535m3/hr.
The setup seems to fail when it’s on 24/7.
Maybe a dodgy batch but I did get them both with around 4 months apart.
The air intake is just air brought in through one of the openings, and relies on the suction of the hyperfan to draw air in. The tent still is a little tight but not major so perhaps I’m causing it to over work, breaking the fan? Ill open up another air intake to see if that takes away some of the stress and reduce the length of the ducting. I was under the impression these fans were designed to withstand pressure.

They are designed to deal with this and ive seen many fans deal with it and a lot worse without blinking. I would consider a different brand fan mate.
I think I would rather spend my coin on an oversized ruck fan and good variac speed controller.

One of my rucks operated 7-8 years straight without a minute of down time and its still going just as strong now for someone else!