Hypothetical grow notes

too larry

Well-Known Member
Damn, that's rough.
The other night when it got dark on me in the FB patch, I skipped checking on the TP and the other 2-3 plants in the FP patch. Wish now I had used my headlight and looked at them. I might could have saved a little more of it. The worst part, the rotten bud had 15-20 popping white seeds in it.

too larry

Well-Known Member
The young Ass Cheese f2 is a bright spot. I might check the date I popped seeds for this round and do nothing earlier than that next year. I keep saying I'm going to take the spring off from growing. {except for my spring crop, of course}


too larry

Well-Known Member
Another Random Bud X TPD. This one in the grapevine hole of the FB patch. The new go pro knockoff isn't very good for closeups. Will have to get back to using my old camera.

SING0018 (1).JPG

too larry

Well-Known Member
yeah go pros have always disappointed for anything but video imo
Yep. And it's a knockoff too. But on the plus side, it was about 105 bucks counting the 64 gig micro sd-card. I got some killer butterfly video yesterday morning when I was breaking camp.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I had to clip a few more buds off the GTH.

I chopped what I thought was the Sour Wreck double planted in the FB patch. When I dug up the label, it was a Skunk Shunk, so the seeds will be Skunk Shunk X Shunk AF. Not much of the bud is going to be any good. There was some rot, but the stem was ate by termites so it had been slowly dying the last 2-3 weeks. I was just waiting for the seeds to mature. There were 30 or more good looking seeds, plus whatever is in the buds I was able to save. {I'm sick and tired of shelling seeds out of rotten bud}

Clipped the tip buds off the Sleepy Chicken Stink again. About 1/3 of them left.

Had to chop Chicken Stink. Another main branch had melted down.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Also chopped a plant that I coudn;t read the label. I think it is a Random Bud X TPD, but I don;t know the number. It was hit with Sour Moon Wreck pollen. {3rd plant coming from the west in FB patch}

too larry

Well-Known Member
Last night I was going through my drying bins. I had some Gorille Endormi X ShunkAF drying {according to the label}. And I had no memory of what plant it was, or where it had been. That worried the fuck out of me all night. This morning when I went to water the 3rd plant in the 3 hole patch in HGNW, I remembered where the Gorille Endormi X ShunkAF had been.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I had forgot to mention the TP #3 f2 rotted the rest of the way down. That is the last of the TP testers I had going. I've got a few more seeds, and want to grow some of them out when they have a chance to finish.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I chopped all three of the plants in the Blueberry hole. Two Blueberry Twists and a Blue Shiva X Blue Shark. One of the BBT was dying from termite damage, but I was able to get all the seeds off it. {i did pick around and find enough semi green bud for one joint} Everything was hit with Blueberry X Shark Shock pollen.

too larry

Well-Known Member
The Poly Shunk 1.5 in PP. Looks a couple of weeks behind the PS 1.5 in the FB patch. Much healthier too.


too larry

Well-Known Member
One of the younger plants in PP that got trimmed last week. I took down a lot of plants. Not sure if this was one of them or not.
