Hypothetical Project Green Thumb


Active Member
Project Green Thumb

Theoretically speaking what would be the consequence if on April 20 nationwide, some individuals planted 10,000 plants in every city with the stated purpose of getting other people to germinate their seeds and plant them wherever possible.

Furthermore, this year, during hempfest, we should hand out hemp seeds and plant them all over the place too.

Some of you might say, but what about my outdoor strain. I dont want it to get polinated by some fucking plant.

My thinking is, if weed could be introduced into the eco system on such a large scale, they would have two alternatives. One would be to send cops to stomp it out. This would be absurd if ti were growing everywhere. And the second would be to leave it alone.


Well-Known Member
I love the idea. I plan on annonymously and routinely giving away like 5 clones a month to dif peeps. I havnt figured out how yet, but the idea of overgrowing the planet really takes off with me.


Active Member
Wow, I like it, Feminised seeds or clones to avoid polinating crops close to your spot.

I don't know whether something like this would work,

But if enough people were to gather and say plant maybe 1 clone on their front lawn... female plants everywhere in everyones garden, what authority is going to stand up to that?


Well-Known Member
Yeah plants in peoples yards isnt the way to go, they would get chopped like any other weed while doing yard work. Find places on the interstate on the tree line that isnt maintained and grow there, It would prob get good exposure there.


Active Member
If everyone had a plant in their back yard, front yard. anywhere.....

surely at the very least, not many people would be prosecuted?

theres only so much ganja you can take down with one of those things!


Well-Known Member
prob a good idea to plant male and female plants to get seeds spread around. maybe a hearty plant should be chosen one that grow extemely well outdoors.

How long would it take for weed to be a common roadside plant countrywide if an aggressive guerrilla overgrow were executed. Keep in mind i know weed grows wild already in some parts of the country.


Active Member
Exactly, Where do you go on an average day ?

How many plots of dirt/grass/growable areas do you see?

with or without you guys, I'm seriously thinkin take some bag seed on the way to work everyday, every plot i see, drop some seeds....

if 100 people did that, in one area, i bet that would be pretty intense.


Active Member
For the record, i know someone who germianted and planted 100 plants in fenway park.

I am going to live by this persons example and next year plant everywhere i can where i dont think it will be cut down, the goal is making it insaine to go after the plant growers because it grows everywhere.


Well-Known Member
A plant probably wouldnt survive in public long enough to make a real statement in my area. Its rediculous how well maintained public land is where I live. It would get chopped by landscappers before it was even old enough for most people to recognize it. But still, I like the sound of giving it a try, Im sure its more possible in smaller towns and areas more rural than mine. Maybe we could grow a shit load of seedlings and leave them on the side of the roads in party cups, maybe people would grab a few and give them a good home. Which would mean RIU would have to get an even bigger server for all the new noobs.

2 points for using "more possible" in a sentence


Active Member
The key is to find area that are almost abandoned but not quite, like your state park with a lake. Plant near bushes. Also you would be surprised how long people will ignore something obvious that doesnt belong due to group think. People would just assume its not a plant, by the time a story breaks there will be so many pot plants around u wont be able to drive. I am looking for a covert effort to change the landscape on the authorities.

If someone finds a plant and smokes it, i dont care. If someone cuts one down, i dont care, so long as the general area where they are growing is changing. in 5 years we can overgrow this whole fucking place.

I want to get in touch with NORML and the seed distributor we are trying to extradite from canada and see what can be done.

I also want to talk to norml about handing out hemp seeds to that people plant them everywhere. Hemp is legal but indistinguishable from pot until u test the THC content, so my thinking is camouflage for the real deals


Active Member
If you go out once a week and drop some seeds, in different areas...

Then take away the ones that get cut down (obviously don't drop them in the middle of a football field that is mowed every other week)

Then times the survivors by the amount of people that do it...

I reckon that would be enough to make a statement, if that 1 generation of plants were to survive and actually manage to reproduce... wow.

Even if it doesnt change the law, something of that magnitude would be funny as hell to see on the news - what would they say? "it's hemp don't smoke it", "its illegal don't take it", would they tell the truth?


Active Member
On the other hand I guess it would allow smaller children to take the stuff, but another pro, it would stop dealers...