
Red Newbern

Heres my first post, I like to dream. I've been thinking about a shipping container grow room, buried underground. You can purchase one for about $1,500, have it shipped easy for $2,000 total and boom you have a 320sq ft standing structure for $2,000.
If you had a 320sq ft room 8x8x40.
What would you do?
Me personally, I do not have the slightest clue just a fun question, I've done a little research on aero, hydro, and just soil grows as well as SCROG and SOG, but of course if you had 320sq ft your probably not going for a SOG, unless you want to. I'm assuming a perpetual cycle with plenty of ladies like ducks waiting in line, accept the end of the line is a big glass milk jug, and my pipe instead of a hot skillet.


Well-Known Member
I'd love to go with multiple 1200 watt systems,(dual 600's, both MH and HPS) placed every 3 feet, with well-trained(many colas) 3' plants, evenly spaced, below them. I'd like to have light rails on all of them, as well, only moving about 12", just enough to take advantage of the different light angles, yet leaving no shaded areas. That's my dream setup. Oh yeah,...can't forget the aeroponics and CO2.:weed:


Well-Known Member
dont forget the digger needed to dig the hole...and the crane to lower the container in..and then the time its gonna take..and the fact that its not gonna b easy hiding what your doing..and u need an entrance somehow that isnt noticeable..and and and...

thats some dream :) ...time to wake up now!! :P

Red Newbern

Crane and backhoe are in family machines, hidden door wise, I'd say a good way to hide it would be to have a removable bottom out of your fireplace, large enough to crawl through whenever you need accessibility, and have the top of the fireplace to pop off so you can fish bulbs down and whatnot. If you ever need to move larger items down, I'd say have it where you can move the fireplace aside. I'm not talking about saving money, I'm talking about a permanent grow room, that I never mention to a friend. It's just something to throw around and talk about but I like to think "what if" and "how to not get caught". For the walls and ceilings I think lining them with an anti-detection infared blocking film, there are plenty of manufacturers of this. Then cover the walls with an insulation, then a fiberboard sealing all edges with caulking. Once you crawl down have an empty space, then a wall separating you from your grow room to make it extra tight. The ventilation is the hard thing for me to figure out. Since it is underground and all. I would have to say if would be nice to find out a way to recirculate and recycle air down there somehow. To power this all I feel like solar is the best. I really don't want to have to deal with sketchy power bills esp multiple lights, fans, filters, pumps, generators, etc. thats a lot of juice. I know it sounds dumb, I know it will be expensive, but to do it and do it right you have to spend money it seems like.


Well-Known Member
I was just sayn the other day that I wanted to use a shipping container to grow in and bury it underground. Im definately going to do it in the near future....Underground always stays cool too. The entrance is where I started needing ideas though. I was going to use the first 10 feet as a room for equipment and section it off...Im mostly worried about bugs and what not.....I found one at a junk yard they were scrapping for like 600 bux, he said hed hold it for me for 750 though....Its rusted on outside but clean on the inside....Good idea bro and +rep

Red Newbern

Nice jawbrodt, great suggestion. I know all of the parts and how they work, however I just don't know how to compile it all together into a system like this. Total noob. So 3sq ft per plant in the long sounds great, hitting the plants from all angles would do a great job of replicating natural sunlight (im sure thats why you want to do it just thinking aloud), I will definitely look into this. I really do like aeroponics by the way, as soon as I was introduced to it and saw it in action it was obvious as to how proficient it would perform. Do you have any ventilation suggestions? It would be underground the top of the container would sit 4-6ft underground, I don't want people to walk by and hear a hollow thud thud, going for special ops haha.

Red Newbern

I was just sayn the other day that I wanted to use a shipping container to grow in and bury it underground. Im definately going to do it in the near future....Underground always stays cool too. The entrance is where I started needing ideas though. I was going to use the first 10 feet as a room for equipment and section it off...Im mostly worried about bugs and what not.....I found one at a junk yard they were scrapping for like 600 bux, he said hed hold it for me for 750 though....Its rusted on outside but clean on the inside....Good idea bro and +rep
No problem on the doorway idea man, 750 is a great deal by the way, and using the outer room for an equipment room is good use of space, I was thinking of just leaving it bare, but equipment doesn't smell so no worries of a leak there haha. Another decent hidden door idea was to have an outdoor patio with concrete sections, and have them all 4x4 or so (plenty of room for anything i think) and just have one where you can pull it up, I would make that one a little thicker though and have some way to lock it from the inside (no matter where your door is) in case you had to run in there and hide ha. The one thing I never want to happen to me (busted), but if it did I would want to see it on a camera inside of my house while I watched on a screen in my underground grow room. Laughing while they find nothing at all, that is my goal, I'm planning for a bust, that way if if happens your prepared. I feel like as long as you work ahead of your time that anything is possible, there are people who get busted, but think of all the people who do not. Just take care of your taxes and batta bing, batta boom.


Well-Known Member
No problem on the doorway idea man, 750 is a great deal by the way, and using the outer room for an equipment room is good use of space, I was thinking of just leaving it bare, but equipment doesn't smell so no worries of a leak there haha. Another decent hidden door idea was to have an outdoor patio with concrete sections, and have them all 4x4 or so (plenty of room for anything i think) and just have one where you can pull it up, I would make that one a little thicker though and have some way to lock it from the inside (no matter where your door is) in case you had to run in there and hide ha. The one thing I never want to happen to me (busted), but if it did I would want to see it on a camera inside of my house while I watched on a screen in my underground grow room. Laughing while they find nothing at all, that is my goal, I'm planning for a bust, that way if if happens your prepared. I feel like as long as you work ahead of your time that anything is possible, there are people who get busted, but think of all the people who do not. Just take care of your taxes and batta bing, batta boom.
hell yea its a good idea....thx for input too. I was thinking of putting a shed over it and having a door in the shed to get to it....I like the cam idea too......I am definately doing it but since its gonna be so top secret, I wont be posting pics of it....hahahaha


Well-Known Member
Nice jawbrodt, great suggestion. I know all of the parts and how they work, however I just don't know how to compile it all together into a system like this. Total noob. So 3sq ft per plant in the long sounds great, hitting the plants from all angles would do a great job of replicating natural sunlight (im sure thats why you want to do it just thinking aloud), I will definitely look into this. I really do like aeroponics by the way, as soon as I was introduced to it and saw it in action it was obvious as to how proficient it would perform. Do you have any ventilation suggestions? It would be underground the top of the container would sit 4-6ft underground, I don't want people to walk by and hear a hollow thud thud, going for special ops haha.
The only thing I want to clarify, is that the "3 square fet per plant" isn't exactly what I was thinking. If you want to make it easy on youreself, go with a good high-yielding strain, and leave them untrained. With that much light, you'll be pulling a QP per plant, untrained. Nice and easy, just the way we like it. :wink:

Also, I have my light rail set up exactly like that, as we speak. It's travelling 10",and it should be interesting to see how it works out. I'll keep everyone posted. :weed:

Red Newbern

The only thing I want to clarify, is that the "3 square fet per plant" isn't exactly what I was thinking. If you want to make it easy on youreself, go with a good high-yielding strain, and leave them untrained. With that much light, you'll be pulling a QP per plant, untrained. Nice and easy, just the way we like it. :wink:

Also, I have my light rail set up exactly like that, as we speak. It's travelling 10",and it should be interesting to see how it works out. I'll keep everyone posted. :weed:
When you say that you have your light rail running 10", what exactly does that mean? Do you just move the light back and fourth from time to time to hit the whole plant? By the way I looked through your grow journal and your ladies are maturing nicely, after reading through it I realize that grow journals are a lot more help than I realized.


Well-Known Member
^Thanks man, glad you liked it. I'm trying to include as many details as possible, so that a new grower can pick up on things that many leave out, or assume are common knowledge. It wasn't that long ago that I got started, and know that thew most trivial of things, can't be assumed. Everything has to be learned, at some point. I still have a ways to go, myself :)

About the light rail/mover....yes, it's set to travel back and forth,(is moves constantly, at a slow pace) only 10". There is always direct light hitting the plants, in my setup, but I still use a light rail, so that there are many different angles of light hitting them, as well. This allows budsites that are hidden amongst the foliage, to receive direct light, as well. I see alot of guys trimming fan leaves, for that reason, and IMO, that's not acceptable. Fan leaves fuel plant growth, and to remove them, isn't very wise. Agreed? :)

Most guys use light rails to extend their light's coverage area, whereas I use one to maximize the area that my lights already cover, effectively.:weed: