I got the 3100k bulb. This is my first run with 315 cmh. I ran the 330 allstarts before. My cobs are older cxa cobs. I am going to upgrade them eventually. If 6 cxb cobs are equal to the cmh. The cmh is a better deal. At least for the phantom. I paid $364.43 for it. The nanolux is $450 and the sun system is $480. Diy cxb cobs for 4 3590 or 6 3070 cobs costs about $450 - $500. Pre built cobs are around $200 more.
Excellent thread. I am looking for a new setup
Do you really think the 315 cmh is a better option than cobs ? it looks like a beautiful light
i really hope it is i would rather use less light sources than multiple cobs and also use something professionally made rather some something homemade
is it better for just initial setup costs, what about spectrum and electrical efficiency ?
Do you plan on replacing bulb in 6mo or 12mo?
Nice to know. 18 mo makes so appealing. Do you feel it will cover a 3x3 in flower? Promise last question. Thanks hyroot.
Nice to know. 18 mo makes so appealing. Do you feel it will cover a 3x3 in flower? Promise last question. Thanks hyroot.
Do hps and mh become illegal in California in near future? I thought I heard that somewhere.
Do you have one?Try a light mover. It is amazing the increase in growth it produces.