I absolutely cannot smoke anymore, help me with your honest opinions please!!!


New Member
Okay so I used to smoke about 2 grams a day for several years, which may seem like a lot to some, but not much to others. I have smoked for about 8 years. I decided to slow down on it, I used to take 1 hit every now and then. And now I've lost interest in it completely. I absolutely hate the feeling I get from Marijuana. It makes me feel slow, forgetful, dumb, antsy, paranoid, depressed, I feel like everyones judging me. I go from being very social and communicating sober with my close friends to just sitting there looking out of my element like I did some hard drug like a pill or herowin. They also notice the effects it has on me and they have no problem telling me I am not being myself. I have to tell you all that I have never done any other drugs in my life, and I am not depressed, I am not insecure. I am extremely happy sober, but once I smoke the stuff it turns me into a miserable person. I am a happy guy with a great career already developed.

Why did this happen to me? I would way rather live sober than drunk or stoned. Did I grow up, or what. Because in my days of being 18-23 I was all about getting ridiculously stoned and drunk. Now I like being sober. I am honestly looking for opinions on people who have experianced this first hand, and the ones who still smoke, I am not trying to bash anyone, that was not my intent I promise. Sorry for the long post.

Edit: Another thing I forgot to mention, is what usually I think of when I am on it. I began to think of how everything we where taught about history in school is a lie, how corrupt our world leaders are, our corrupt government, nearly every food is horrible for consumption, no god we are a coincidence, how religions used to kill others if they questioned anything, how people are unintelligent and closed minded, how small we are in a crazy universe that none of us truly understand, how humans are the scum of the earth and just consume everything possible and spit out more children, nobody cares about other life forms, humans are the worst bacteria on our planet. If aliens seen our planet and looked at Los Angeles and seen all the pollution they would think our planet has cancer, and humans are the cancer of our planet and 99% do not realize it.

Those are a few things I ponder about when I get stoned. Maybe I just answered my own post. It opens me to the truth. A truth that I have no control over, a truth I have no ability to change on my own. That is why I shut down become quiet and kind of lay there with a blank expression, I have a million insane true facts that I cannot change. It is not as overwhelming when I am sober.


Active Member
And you're posting this is a cannabis grow forum why?

No offense but I think you should go and find a forum dealing with people in the same situation as yourself. I don't think you're going to get much sympathy around here. Sorry man


New Member
And you're posting this is a cannabis grow forum why?

No offense but I think you should go and find a forum dealing with people in the same situation as yourself. I don't think you're going to get much sympathy around here. Sorry man
I don't know any other forum, I used to grow and used to have an account on here from 2006 but I forgot my password, I am not looking for sympathy. I want to simply know if anyone else has had this change of lifestyle before.


Well-Known Member
Did you ever think this could be something happening in your head unrelated to marijuana. Cause I have smoked more weed then you, for a longer time and i feel great. Then again I wake up happy and ready to live my life.


New Member
Did you ever think this could be something happening in your head unrelated to marijuana. Cause I have smoked more weed then you, for a longer time and i feel great. Then again I wake up happy and ready to live my life.
Not to my knowledge. I used to feel great as well when I was a huge stoner, used to have my medical card, grow, loved everything about it. It is 100% legal in my state to smoke it now too. I really just do not enjoy it anymore, and I cannot figure it out. Like I said earlier, I have a friend who smokes still and he is the same sober or stoned and is willing to do anything and that was how I used to be as well, it had no effect on my motivation or mindset. Now though, the stuff really messes with my body and mind.


Active Member
I don't know any other forum, I used to grow and used to have an account on here from 2006 but I forgot my password, I am not looking for sympathy. I want to simply know if anyone else has had this change of lifestyle before.
Yeah sorry I myself have had times of not smoking for 2-3 years on and off for 15 years sometimes you know you just gotta give it a break to get shit done again . I think it's pretty normal to feel how you feel with or without weed the world is a terrible place sometimes people are assholes.
Weed just takes the edge off. The same as sitting down with a scotch at the end of a hard day.

I find after I have had long breaks of abstinence cannabis rejuvenates my life and brings me closer to friends and family.

Sounds like you need to get away from you're friends they sound toxic . sitting around all day every day smoking weed where's the fun in that.

You obviously have to have something outside of weed that makes you tick.
Pick up some new hobbys maybe?

I don't know man good luck with everything I hope you find what you're looking for.

P.s yes you got some sympathy off me lol

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I understand what your saying ive seen weed demotivate people so much . I guess u can call them losers, if u dont want to smoke quit if u dont like your friends get new ones. Its as simple as that! No one cares if u smoke or not your friends that try to make you smoke are idiots. Weed to me is like beer i like beer but i dont drink all day .addiction is a mutherfucker your friends sound addicted and lazy. Weed didn't do that to them they did that to themselves.


New Member
Another thing I forgot to mention, is what usually I think of when I am on it. I began to think of how everything we where taught about history in school is a lie, how corrupt our world leaders are, our corrupt government, no god we are a coincidence, how religions used to kill others if they questioned anything, how people are unintelligent and closed minded, how small we are in a crazy universe that none of us truly understand, how humans are the scum of the earth and just consume everything possible and spit out more children, nobody cares about other life forms, humans are the worst bacteria on our planet. If aliens seen our planet and looked at Los Angeles and seen all the pollution they would think our planet has cancer, and humans are the cancer of our planet and 99% do not realize it.

Those are a few things I ponder about when I get stoned. Maybe I just answered my own post. It opens me to the truth.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Dude wtf is all that shit? I like to get high and get blowjobsi could give a fuck about LA. stop thinking bro your killing your buzz!


New Member
Dude wtf is all that shit? I like to get high and get blowjobsi could give a fuck about LA. stop thinking bro your killing your buzz!

Dude lol, I couldn't agree more. I use to get high and get blowjobs that's when I loved smoking weed. Now when I get stoned I just think about all the things wrong with the world. Once you realize how messed up the world is, you'll never get over it. And I am fine living my life sober dealing with it, but once I smoke it's over whelming as phuck. I wish there was a solution.


Well-Known Member
Totally the pots fault bro. You had a bad "trip" if you will, and now you are focusing on the negative's from that experience every single time you smoke, that is your fault, prolly not what you want to hear, but it is. Your focus on negativity is bringing you to a negative place, imagine that? right? How about not allowing yourself to go to those places and bringing yourself into a happier mindset, it might not be the easiest thing, but it's simple common sense that if you sit there thinking of negative shit you are going to be in a negative mood.

I had a long period in my life I couldn't do Mushrooms because of a bad trip I had with an old friend who couldn't control his experience and ruined everyone elses. Then every time I did mushrooms after that I would be brought back into the bad trip because that was my focus going into the experience. After allowing myself to relax and being around a different group of people in a happier atmosphere (Not a hood house grungry an dirty like it was used for methproduction) I had finally had a good mushroom experience, this was about 2-3 years after the initial bad experience.

Either way if that is how marijuana makes you feel then maybe it's not right for you. Best to avoid triggers that put us in a negative mind space.


Well-Known Member
Accept the fact that the world sux, people cheat and being assholes, corrupt polician and that the normal life is a lie.
Weed made me see this things more clear but i dont let it spoil my high. When im in an philosophical mood i do think about it but it never spoils my high anymore.The world just sucks, that has nothng to do with your weed habbits :D
Dont worry, accept the world as it is and change what you can. Also smoke more sativas that makes you high ;)


Well-Known Member
Fella you simply have come to the end of the line. I smoked daily for decades and I dont anymore. Oddly, I then got interested in growing it and I found that I love turning a little seedling into a frosty straight fire dank better than anything I ever bought in my 30 years of smoking.
Something happened to me as well where the nice buzz I always enjoyed turned into panic attacks and hyper-ventilating. After smoking I felt like I couldnt take a deep breath and it was making me crazy.
Soooo, I just quit smoking it.
Things run in cycles sometimes bro, give it a break for now and dont be hard on yourself. You can try it again sometime in the future.
BTW, none of your dwelling on the state of the world is going to do anything at all to change its course. Be satisfied in your own awareness of it, and let it alone.


Well-Known Member
Okay so I used to smoke about 2 grams a day for several years, which may seem like a lot to some, but not much to others. I have smoked for about 8 years. I decided to slow down on it, I used to take 1 hit every now and then. And now I've lost interest in it completely. I absolutely hate the feeling I get from Marijuana. It makes me feel slow, forgetful, dumb, antsy, paranoid, depressed, I feel like everyones judging me. I go from being very social and communicating sober with my close friends to just sitting there looking out of my element like I did some hard drug like a pill or herowin. They also notice the effects it has on me and they have no problem telling me I am not being myself. I have to tell you all that I have never done any other drugs in my life, and I am not depressed, I am not insecure. I am extremely happy sober, but once I smoke the stuff it turns me into a miserable person. I am a happy guy with a great career already developed.

Why did this happen to me? I would way rather live sober than drunk or stoned. Did I grow up, or what. Because in my days of being 18-23 I was all about getting ridiculously stoned and drunk. Now I like being sober. I am honestly looking for opinions on people who have experianced this first hand, and the ones who still smoke, I am not trying to bash anyone, that was not my intent I promise. Sorry for the long post.

Edit: Another thing I forgot to mention, is what usually I think of when I am on it. I began to think of how everything we where taught about history in school is a lie, how corrupt our world leaders are, our corrupt government, nearly every food is horrible for consumption, no god we are a coincidence, how religions used to kill others if they questioned anything, how people are unintelligent and closed minded, how small we are in a crazy universe that none of us truly understand, how humans are the scum of the earth and just consume everything possible and spit out more children, nobody cares about other life forms, humans are the worst bacteria on our planet. If aliens seen our planet and looked at Los Angeles and seen all the pollution they would think our planet has cancer, and humans are the cancer of our planet and 99% do not realize it.

Those are a few things I ponder about when I get stoned. Maybe I just answered my own post. It opens me to the truth. A truth that I have no control over, a truth I have no ability to change on my own. That is why I shut down become quiet and kind of lay there with a blank expression, I have a million insane true facts that I cannot change. It is not as overwhelming when I am sober.
I think you may have mental problems.

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
I don't know if it's normal or not, but if you don't like it anymore, don't do it. You don't have to justify use/nonuse to anyone, especially here. You know, I think you can hang in the toke'ntalk w/o actually toking. I've not visited myself yet, but I imagine philosophy is spoken there. G/L!


Well-Known Member
alright - couple of ideas. the first and most obvious one is to stop smoking something that wigs you out... secondly, if you live in a legal state, you should be spoiled for choice, so try different strains to see if some feel friendlier. I know that after over 20 years of smoking, I still get paranoid, anxious,, and plain uncomfortable with some strains, particularly when they are harvested early. (but I'll smoke whatever you put in front of me!) your perspective on the world is what you need to change if you want to enjoy weed again. this planet really is a wonderful place, it's not that hard to see that. If your always focused on negativity, you will be magnetized to the myriad injustices that abound, but that is your choice to do so. good luck!

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I know when i quit something, i always find a site that is pro whatever I am against, and then ask for there opinions. What a crock of shit,just sayin


Well-Known Member
Hey! We all goes thru different faces in life ,as another poster states stop yourself on the negative thinking,vibes and energy ,that you may be putting out or receiving.I take it you're a younger person than me (i'm over 55)In life so many things happen that we don't have any control over,not only in the world but sometimes in our everyday life, I smoked as a young man ,then I stopped when I got married (12 years 1st wife).I smoked in that time twice a year,(Dam! I always enjoyed it)..Then we split..I started toking again (have a different wife),I totally enjoy it( wouldn't stop ever again).Live life for yourself,everyone else have their own life to live.STOP!!!!! making yourself paranoid,what good does it do for you? Hey! Thanks for listening to my rambles. ..( I'll burn your share,lol) Peace Always in your life!:joint: