Well-Known Member
Something I would like to throw out is that though yes I do believe God is all powerful, I'm not so sure about the other statements. Though I believe God knows all in the sense of the present moment, the past and perhaps someones disposition to future actions, I'm not sure I agree with the common interpretation of God knowing your every future action. The reason being the story of Abraham being instructed to sacrifice his son Isaac as a test of faith. In Genesis 22:12 the verse reads, "Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.” The bold portion is what influences my view upon this (which if you consider the Bible invalid, this makes no difference to you). And in regard to God making no mistakes (I feel as if I'm treading a fine line in this next statement), I starkly remember a passage describing God's "repentance" in relation to the creation of man. Do I believe God is a perfect being? Yes. Do I believe God has no regrets? No. (this kind of ties in with my previous post)
Does viewing the future not entail "all powerful"? If a being doesn't possess that power, how could it be considered "all powerful"? If it can view the future, how could free-will exist?
Honest questions