When I was 6 years old my mother and her boyfriend took my sister and I to a swimming pool, they left us there in the middle of the woods, with strangers, unattended but this wasnt just any ordinary swimming pool, this was actually more of an excess water runoff, hole which was connected to a Dam.
Well little did I know, every 15 minuets it would drain all of the water out of the hole and refill it, I just happened to be in the middle of the pool during just such a drainage and was slowly but forcefully sucked towards the bottom, luckily though I struggled with every little ounce of strength within my six year old body to make it to the edge of the poll, at this point I'm the only one in the pool and I'm quite upset as you can well imagine. So I made it to the edge of the pool and to my utter disbelief The only edge of the pool I had access to was covered in red ants, very angry bitey red ants I might add. At the edge while I was fighting the red ants and the current of vacuum drain doom I decided to try and reach out to my fellow man, most of whome were nearby drying off, well this is where the kicker to the story comes in, 3 adult individuals had seen my plight and didnt come to my aid, even when I reached out to this one nice looking women, I remember looking deep in her eyes and screaming 'help' but she just kept walking by the pool like nothing was happening, so with my very last bit of strength I managed to hoist myself out to find out that my sister had left and I was now lost in the woods by my self. Fortunatly I was smart enough to follow someone to the street where I found our car.
Yeah, I'd say I almost drowned.