I always get mixed answers on this, what is the truth?

Maine HomeGrown

Well-Known Member
Okay so for a while I have been told numerous things as to what it is that makes honeycomb in particular shine like it has glitter in it and how whatever it is end up holding form in the comb..

Care to answer a possibly dumb question on my part?


Well-Known Member
Inflated or stretched quality material. You can get that glitter effect by simply stretching out high quality unwinterized raw oleoresins, like you were pulling taffy.


Well-Known Member
haven't made comb in a little bit, but if I remeber the shiny look would come before the wax fully dryd out? Or maybe it's partially decarbed giving it a more oily look?


Well-Known Member
Fresh frozen did this to me, and I used my shatter temps and everything the same as to return Shatter, like I've done a hundred times, and all three strains gave me the "live resin" look.


Well-Known Member
Fresh frozen did this to me, and I used my shatter temps and everything the same as to return Shatter, like I've done a hundred times, and all three strains gave me the "live resin" look.
I suspect higher terpene levels are the cause from my experience. I have a strain that after drying for a week will make the live resin look.


Well-Known Member
My guess is monoterpene levels as well.

The monoterpenes act like a solvent to the diterpenes, so it acts somewhat like a paint film drying, and to a point, the wetter it is, the smoother the surface ends up upon drying.


Well-Known Member
HoneyComb = different process than shatter or wax not under purged , not sure if I am correct but you may have to whip the honeycomb to fluff it up.


Well-Known Member
you get the comb when it starts to become stable in the chamber and it becomes less pliable a bubble forms and pops but doesn't fall back down, and it has started to wax up and continues waxing and gives you the bubble caves and tunnels in the wax.


Active Member
The dispensary owner who had my stuff tested when it scored 91% total cannabinoid told me that all the yellow extract he comes across averages about 60% total cannabinoids. He gave me some very pretty stuff in comparison to the dark red extract he had obtained from me in bulk. When I hit that stuff from a titanium nail, I realized it was seriously under purged from the harshness and heat from the hit. So I pulled out a glass vial, heated it w a lighter and we seen the activity that butanes know for, little bubbles everywhere. I told him to purge the batch in acetone noting the weights before and after. The excess was going to be a complaint for the extractor to vacuum purge longer and perhaps at a higher temperature if 104F was observed. Then maybe 80% or better could be achieved, but it was largely butane diluting the extract giving a larger percentage of residual solvent.


Well-Known Member
I've never had to stretch my material to get the sugar wax shine… so i dunno about all that.. Definitely has something to do with trichome quality on the material being run. In my mind the glitter effect you see are basically a group of trichome heads or individual heads that have resolidified creating a shiny surface. This is a theory.. so don't quote me.


lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Imo its the same with all concentrates, the amount of residual is based on the extractor. It all depends on who makes it and whether they use the proper equipment and process or if they just want to make some oil


Active Member
My experience using our GC to determine purge levels, suggests that is highly dependent on the honeycomb. It has ranged from severely under purged, to no traces at the cut off level.
There isn't supposed to be any activity from solvent residues, just MP. Your hash oil isn't really hash oil unless it melt. So any bubbling is solvents unless you hit BP of hash oil.


Well-Known Member
There isn't supposed to be any activity from solvent residues, just MP. Your hash oil isn't really hash oil unless it melt. So any bubbling is solvents unless you hit BP of hash oil.
I've smoked pressed trichomes from 170u screen, they still bubble.


Active Member
When we vape, it is kept below combustion and most bp are avoided. When smoking is done, we way exceed the bp and start destroying these fragile compounds. Degrading by heat gives the taste from pipes and bongs, but an oil rig stays way minty w a reclaim sometimes even better than when first vaped.