I am 2 new 2 know

not a clue

New Member
Can Yukon Jack be used as an extractor to make a tincture. My son got it for me thinking it would as it was the strongest he could find after going to three liquor stores. I have someone out scouring the city for 151 rum but
so far can't even find that here. This is my absolute first attempt to do this. Thanks for any and all help.
I've made it with Vodka & 151 Pusser Rum, tasted like shit both times. So what's the difference if it taste like sweet shit?
I've made it with Vodka & 151 Pusser Rum, tasted like shit both times. So what's the difference if it taste like sweet shit?
Well, sticky, sweet, and nasty tasting for sure...but I have never taken meds that tasted good that was worth a damn so how do I get the alcohol to dissipate in a timely manner? Again thanks to all for your input.
Heat and really good ventilation.
You know you'll still have a sweet sticky runny mess right?
Thank you so much for all your help....yes , it is still sweet, sticky, and nasty tasting but it does the job as a tincture. I have been on morphine since 2006 and hopefully this will ease my withdrawals as I wean myself off as well as cover my pain from bilateral nerve damage to my lower back. I am now down to 5mg a day of morphine from 200mg a day. i also have RA and my Dr. wants me to have a double knee replacement. I would rather not so I am pinning all my hopes on this plant.
Cannabis has helped two good friends cut their morphine doses considerably, they're both happier :weed:

Do edibles work for you?

You could make: Budder, Infused oil or hash and use in snacky stuff
Make butter or coconut oil too IMHO.
Remember to decarb first even if you do the Yukon thing. If you have to use a vodka.

Get your self some CBD. It's good to let's you consume higher doses of THC.

That was a lot of moriphine! Congrats on your efforts.

(I did stage 4 cancer treatment.) Got off the opates with CBD, and THC at night.

Best to you.
You can make a tasty tincture with Yukon Jack, I've done it with Markers Mark and it worked great. I left mine sit about a week, and didn't bother with the freezer because its a tincture. I just stuck it in a dark spot out of the way and let it chill.

After a week I poured some over ice, and added a splash of lemonade and damn was it delicious and definitely will fck you up!

You should not try to use Yukon jack or any other liquer like that to do an extraction that you are going to try to evaporate into a concentrate. It will leave you with a thick nasty mess. If you want to make a concentrate you need clean alcohol. Either everclear or something similar, or 91%+ ISO alcohol is what I use.

I had a motorcycle wreck a few years back, and cannabis totally helped me way more then the morphine or other opiates, and made it real easy to get off them.