I am 7 weeks and 3 days of flowering. Am i suppose to start flushing now


Active Member
I am 7 weeks and 3 days of flowering. Am I supposed to start flushing plant now beggining of 8th week?


Active Member
How much water am I supposed to water per plant everyday or every other day? Im using soil. And i have begun my 8th week. I would say 50% of pistols are brown

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I assume your in soil?
You might want to just run a bunch of water through your pots to flush out extra salts, ppm check your runoff to make sure its effective and just water as usual no nutes till chop.
Big call with no other info, not even a photo. How do you know he has excess salts and what is excess salts?? You mean a salt build up leading to lockouts? Has he a salt build up problem? What type?

O and that's called leaching.

Why wouldn't you feed the plant when it could be putting on weight?


Well-Known Member
Leaching will only help for salt build up. Why would you want to flush? The only thing that will accomplish is making the plant cannibalize itself for mobile nutrients, it does nothing for immobile nutrients.


Well-Known Member
If you feed properly during the plants growth cycle all you need to do is taper off the nutrients towards the end.