i am a Master electrician......use this thread for questions, i will try to help you.

id say as for the 1000w lights/power company question, i spoke to my friend at PROGRESS ENERGY for you. and he told me that unless you added, like 50 lights, it wouldnt really cause a huge spike in ur bill. not enough for them to care about. 10 lights, is less then 60 amps of power, which, some large space heaters and A/C units, can draw more then that. i dont think that anyone has ever had their door kicked in, from using a heater. id like to stress to you to be carefull tho, 1000watters generate ALOT of heat, its best not to mount them directly to ur ceiling. even tho sheet rock is flame reterdent, it can get hot enough to combust somthing in ur attic, its best to use some steel strut or something to allo your fixtures to "stand off" your cieling atleast 3 inches, for heat disapation, id also, use a fan JUST FOR COOLING THEM. ....let me know if i didnt help you. i will try harder...lol....good luck
GW- hahahahaha.......we would all like to do that my friend. its a felony bro. and unless you really do want the police knocking at your door, i wouldnt recomend it.
now that thats been said, they make an item called a "live line tap", it fits around the service wires, and also around your new wire(the one ur stealing with), it has a 3/8 inch bolt thru it, when you tighten the bolt, the teeth sink into both cables. keep in mind that, power comming into ur house BEFORE THE METER, is un-interupted, meaning, u cant turn it off, and if you get shocked, their is no breakers to save you. you will be toasted like a squirrel. i have done live line taps for various applications, like teporary power on a job site, or when i need to hook up a traffic camera, using the traffic lights power, without turning off the traffic lights.lol. i donot condone stealing power tho. and, like cable tv, you WILL get caught. id look into solar energy(photo voltaics) for your answer. good luck.
im loving this thread. im glad to help people. i have taken alot of info from this site, and this is my way of giving a lil back....hehehe..... please dont hesitate to give this thread a thumbs up, if i truly did help you. if i didnt, i will keep trying. please be safe everyone, when workin on electricity, it kills more then u think.
NEVER INSTALL A LARGER fuse or breaker. its been installed according to the wiring within ur wall. fuses and breakers, are the "weak link" so to say, in the circuit, meaning, if u put a bigger one in, the wires in your wall can get hot and combust before the fuse or breaker trips. its the most common cause of house fires. you need to buck up and hire someone to run u a "dedicated line".10 years ago, it was common to put your bathroom, and kitchen together on one circuit, and the most common reason this happens, is because, your fridge is on the same circuit, or a counter top item, like a cofee pot. if your breaker, is tripping when u use the hair dryer, thank it, because its doing its job. lol. the next time it trips, walk thru the house(particualy the kitchen) and see what else isnt working, thus, providing you with what, combined with the hairdryer, is on the same circuit, saving you some trouble shooting costs. if you do find that its ur fridge or kitchen counter top, let me know, and we'll try to come up with the best fix. good luck, i hope i helped a lil.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Hey Need Ive got a breaker box thats buzzing louder and Ive had a shit load more of shit pulling juice than I have now,what causes the buzzing sound and how dangerous is this?
the buzzing is normally, and i stress normally, not serious, although, i have seen instances where it was quite serious.
first you should make sure that all of the screws that hold the panels cover in place are there, and tight. a lose cover is the most common buzzing. then, after u tried that, take the "butt" of ur screw driver and try pushing firmly on each breaker, often, you will find one breaker buzzing, thats the second most common reason its buzzing, and thirdly, if you cant find the source of the buzzing, you may need to take the cover of the box off, and check for one of the bare ground wires, "rattling" against the side of the metal panel box. while your standing their, make sure that none of the breakers are warmer then the rest, considerably warmer. VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT: DONOT TAKE THE COVER OF YOUR PANEL OFF IF YOU ARE HOME ALONE, IF YOU CANNOT TURN THE POWER OFF, OR IF YOU HAVE NO ELECTRICAL EXPERIENCE. THERE IS ALOT IN THERE THAT CAN KILL YOU, IF U DONT KNOW WHAT UR DOING. IF U MUST OPEN IT TO CHECK TO SEE IF THE GROUND(S) ARE BUZZING, BESURE TO KEEP ONE HAND IN UR POCKET(TO AVOID ELECTRICUTION), AND BESURE TO HAVE A FREIND THERE WITH YOU, INCASE YOU GET NAILED. PLEASE BE CAREFULL. I WILL WAITE FOR YOU TO REPORT BACK, AS TO WHAT U FOUND. LOOK FOR MY THREADS TO DAY PEOPLE, IM GOING TO POST SOME NEW PICS I TOOK LAST NIGHT OF MY MONSTER CFL GROW...LOL....


Well-Known Member
I came home to find my grow room lights had been tripped. The moisture was very high as I was waiting to get paid to buy dehumidifier. My Mylar had dripped moisture directly to my plug. I have since had my dad install 2 new outlets on the ceiling on their on breakers. I still wonder if this could have started a fire or do they always trip? Moisture is no longer an issue btw. Thanks for ur time..
good question:
well, by tripping, it did its job. thank your breaker.lol. it would have ABSOLUTLY caused a fire if your circut breaker, or fuse, didnot properly do its job. often, when people burn there houses to the ground, its from something really stupid, like putting a larger breaker in, then it should be, because it trips, or in the olden days, people would put a penny behind a blown fuse to "get them by", only to come home to a burning pile of house.lol. if something trips like a breaker or fuse, it probably saved your life, or home.
id say that if you have that much water, ceiling or wall plugs are best. also, make sure the old stuff is disconnected and or dry. if water is present within a few feet of where you work on your plants, installing GFCI plugs, is a good idea, they will trip like ur breaker, incase of a short(like the water), but also, if u get shocked, they will save ur life. i hope i helped answer ur question,lol, ifnot, holla back.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I had too much on one 15 AMP breaker.I bought new heavy duty cords yesterday to bring my juice from two more breakers.All my shit on one end of my home is on one 15 amp breaker...........thanks and peace


Well-Known Member
Awesome! Thanks, u didnt know how close i was to having a burnt house. This was 4-5 months ago, but when i think about it, my blood pressure still rises. Yes, the plugs that are no longer being used are now disconnected. Thanx! + rep


Well-Known Member
hey need for weed, nice to see someone giving a helping hand :)

I was wondering whats the usual maximum electricity consumtion for a single bedroom breaker? I have a lot of outlets but does that really help if there all really tied to one breaker. Its a 120v outlets but i have no idea on the amps and watts.


I just built a new grow room and have some questions:

I want to run a sub-panel to my grow room and want to know if I should run a 10/3 feeder or an 8/3 feeder. Here is what I have layed out...using 14/2 wiring. {or should I use 12/2}

Circuit 1: Dedicated line to my 6" exhaust fan.

Circuit 2: Dedicated line to my 600wt. grow light

Circuit 3: 2 GFCI outlets and one regular outlet

Circuit 4: Single pole light switch to an overhead light and then on to a regular outlet. {I will use 14/3 between the switch and the light

I was thinking all I need is 4-15 amp breakers to do this; one for each circuit.

How close am I?




Active Member
Quick question have all the outlets in my grow room connected to a 30amp GFIC breaker, second grow through just started but I have noticed that every time my timer turns OFF the breaker trips, there are no problem turning on only when it turns off. The load is around 8 amps on the breaker(other items in room), the timer is an industrial 15amp digital timer with everything in a VEG box with a 250 MH/HPS and a few CFLs. I have never had any problems with this set up last go around