I am a new grower input would help


Well-Known Member
It all depends on your money situation. I have two more plants than you and I just use a little 150W HPS sun system that costs $70 and even cheaper online. Before, I had them on 1 65W CFL then added another and was very impressed with the improvement but now I have to say HPS is a way better light, At least in my opinion. I would reccomend buying a light that you know your going to be satisfied with rather than buying one your just going to upgrade and in the end waste your money.

Lights are like electronics... There will always be a better one. It sux :(


Well-Known Member
as I've heard...so I'll probably switch to three 42 watt CFL's witha total output of 8100 lumens...for a 4 square foot area thats a good bit of light


Well-Known Member
I got 16,000 in a 18"x36" area and yes that is inches. Its still not enough bout to throw my 2 65W CFL's in thur too!


Active Member
well i would suggest the set up i have for on the cheap but again this is my first grow also so i'm learnign as i go liek i said tho i'm happy with what i have so far for the money i spent honestly i just don't liek the cfl route to much shit to haggle with i prefer the flouro's only because u buy it set it up and it works no wiring no adapters none of that crap plus my shop lights are easy to move around and adjust but honestly it depends on what ur willign to spend and how much time u wanan dedicate to it me persoanlly i liek it it's fun and i'm sick of waiting or relying on someone else to get bud, i'd rather smoek my own homegrown just seems more sastisfying know in another month or so i won't have to call somebody to get weed to get high i'lkl just be able to pull my box out and smoke a bud ya know


Active Member
as far as transplanting read the grow faq on here it helped me alot b4 i needed to know lol but keep at it and happy growing if u wanan pm any ?'s about the setup i'll be happy to explain or help in any way i can i learn liek everyone else from what i do and what i read on here so good luck


Well-Known Member
yeah I read a lot of threads so thats good...as far as the fluros I already have three lamps I can use for CFL's so I won't have a hassle with getting stuf just the bulbs which I can get a wally world,target,or home depot...I'll figure something out as far as now thanks for the help and I'll update my grow every few days or so


Well-Known Member
my plants are roughly 3 weeks old will they still grow right at this rate they are smaller than other plants roughly the same age.