i am a retard

C'mon don't make fun of retarded people. talk slowly and clearly so he can understand, lol

Y O U_____ M U S T____ M A K E____ I T____E A S I E R____ T O____ R E A D____ F O R____ H I M.
lol so what did you score?
I had to take one of these last month to prove to the courts im not crazy.
I scored average.I forget what number.
I honestly think these tests are fool of shit so don't take it hard.
So do you get all the perks of being retarded? Closer parking, reason to walk into the womens bathrooms, etc...? Cuz then I'd be all over failing that iq test.

Anyway, you seem to be taking it alright so thats good. Just remember that everything the government ever says is a lie. I think. Heh heh.....
i scored a 73. i also am getting a special license lol
lmfao why did you have to take one?
I never knew scoring low on an iq test could really impact you like this.
(with the special license an shit)
Could it fuck up your chances at a job?
Found this forum thought it was pretty funny as I was just doing an IQ test again as I scored 74 6yrs ago and before that i scored 86 about 7yrs. I smoked quite a bit back then and still smoke now but I am pretty light these days. I just finished this one http://www.funeducation.com/Tests/IQTest/IQ-Testing.aspx and pleasantly scored 108 which i am over the moon about. looks like i'm getting smarter! I moved from New Zealand to New York last year the weed is expensive and crappy maybe that has made me smarter?

I want to know if I should go back to school for some learning or just stick with what i got as I can't find a decent job in nyc, but i can't help but wonder if leaving school at 15 (which i did) was because i was to dumb or to lazy, if its the latter then maybe I should go back.