old as fuck threat but im a pprofessional so im going to post this anyway
there is 2 ways to cook a steak.
(if cooking rare/bleu remove from refridgerator atleast 30m prior to cooking)
1.get a csmoking hot pan, I literally mean it should be starting to smoke its that hot.
2. pour some oil over your steak season (only salt) place in pan and place a piece of parchment paper and a pan ontop to maintain contact.
3. now this is where you get to choose, either flip the steak only once or every 30s. your trying to get a nice brown crust and catalyse mallaird reactions - you dont seal in moisture at all or caramalize sugars. that is a myth. (if the brownness at the end isnt to desired level use a blowtorch that youd use for dabbing, the blue flame tells you all the gas is being burnt so wont be bad at all
4. if you acheive colour you want but not the degree of doneness ot in an oven (150c) - or can insert a digital probe and baste with butter untill wateva temp you want.
5. back in a pan low heat, LOTS of butter (2oz) crushed clove of garlic and some thyme (fresh) and baste with the foaming buttter
6. alllow to rest for20-50% of the time you cooked it for.
***EDIT***your steak was med-well. medium is not ruined for a steak. its personal preference but different cuts have different degrees of cooked at which they are best. a scotch fillet would be best medium.
oh and use some string, you lay the scotch down and wrap it around and tie it into a circle, you can remove it after the first side of steak is seared. alternatively the purple not blue ceran wrp shrinks instead of burning so can wrap in that, also if you put it in the fridge from room temp after wrapping it and leave it for half a day itll set the proteins better

and a scotch shouldnt be less that like, 10oz or 1-2" thick