I am JealousGreen

Haha, got mine for my christmas a year ago, love my loaded dervish. I have some scars too, one from bombing the hill in the rain (not smart), one from trying to do a 90 degree turn in about .1 seconds while bombing a hill (the bike rack that greeted me hurt), but I live!
Great read and nice to meet you JeolousGreen.

I remember "Dream World." I use to try and get as high as possible months later after i started smoking weed. I bought my first electric pipe when i was 14 and that help get back to the oh so pleasant "dreams."
I saw a video on youtube of guys bombing a hill in a desert state. They got pulled over for speeding when the speed limit was like 55 and they were doing something like 65 on their dervishes
I saw a video on youtube of guys bombing a hill in a desert state. They got pulled over for speeding when the speed limit was like 55 and they were doing something like 65 on their dervishes

Damn i dont know if i would take a dervish that fast they are pretty flexy boards for real downhill.
I've gone about 45 next to a car on my envy. It's long and wide with a stiff deck, wide trucks and big wheels. I've never had speed wobbles with it.

All my boards have bones swiss bearings.
I've gone about 45 next to a car on my envy. It's long and wide with a stiff deck, wide trucks and big wheels. I've never had speed wobbles with it.

All my boards have bones swiss bearings.

Nice :P my vendetta is pretty stiff/stable ive only gotten tiny wobbles once or twice. What all boards do you have???
Both sector9's are the fish shaped style with the flexi decks. One is shorter, about up to my belt, and has the composite graphite deck. I ride it more because of speed and manuverabilty. At 31 I'm always the oldest, fattest man in the skatepark. And the only one who's ever on a longboard.

My job involves lots of movement in a down town area, and my board makes my job kick ass.
Tribal rhythms extend a deep sense of personal relations that permeate the very core that makes up our being. If left to their pure devices they produce deep feelings of gratitude and contentedness that spring up to a greater understanding of ones self. The rhythm is born within the core of our body. It is there for everyone. Without a steady, pulsing rhythm one cannot possibly survive. In complete validation the rhythm justifies existence. And only when that perfect cadence finally ceases, is this term of existence finally over. Deep thought and change of perspective can be achieved through exploration of time and rhythm. Within the realm of time and rhythm one can transcend the temporal plane of thought and participate in subconscious exchange of feelings, thoughts, ideas and beliefs. Master-minds can be formed between like minded individuals to create dramatic dynamics and emotions. In this state one can truly become centered and understand nothingness in the presence of complete personal control. Perfect unity is encompassed about by the pulsing give and take of chaos. Understanding Perfection is accepting the reality that there is no such thing.