I am new and have no idea what I am doing


Well-Known Member

I want to start off by introducing myself. I am new in Cleveland. Well I am new to Ohio. I have been here for about 5 months. My stash has run out. I have Crohn's disease. Since I have run out I have been in bad shape. I have went to the doctor, they are no help. I need to grow because I can not find anyone who will help me out. I have no idea what I am doing or how to do it. If anyone can lend me a hand on where to start I would be so grateful . Thanks :peace:

Chronic Connoisseur

Well-Known Member

I want to start off by introducing myself. I am new in Cleveland. Well I am new to Ohio. I have been here for about 5 months. My stash has run out. I have Crohn's disease. Since I have run out I have been in bad shape. I have went to the doctor, they are no help. I need to grow because I can not find anyone who will help me out. I have no idea what I am doing or how to do it. If anyone can lend me a hand on where to start I would be so grateful . Thanks :peace:
start by browsing the site. reading the FAQ. and just learning from other peoples grows. read some grow journals, most will give a detailed description of everything they did. since you live in the states, you might want to try a canadian shop. Marijuana Seeds - Highest Quality Marijuana Seeds Online has a great selection of medical strains. scroll to the bottom. if you dont mind using a credit card or visa gift card, i suggest Dr Chronics Cannabis seeds bank. he is located in the UK, i think.

sending the seeds to a PO box, is a good idea. or a trusted friends house. i have purchased seeds directly to my home a few times without probs. though.

hope that helps, you can message me if you ever need any help.


Well-Known Member
I feel for your irishgirl. It sucks not having a good hookup. Crohn's is really tough, my brother has it and suffers a lot.

Best of luck with your grow. People are pretty nice here on these boards. Just do your research and ask good questions and people will be glad to help out. Peace.


Well-Known Member
i hope you get all the info you need irishgirl. everyone in here im sure will give you all the advice you need to get started..

im not an expert by any means but if i can give you any advice it would be to do a little research n come back to us with your questions..
if i can help you i will. take care n inbox me if you have any questions and i will try n help you out as much as i can..


Well-Known Member
Hey and welcome! There's tons of great reading all over this forum; start with the growFAQ and then search for threads pertaining to things you are still unclear on. Also check out people's grow journals. In my opinion, if you want to learn everything as quickly and completely as possible- get a grow book such as The Cannabis Grow Bible by Greg Green (there are many others, that's just the one I've read and therefore know is awesome).

And I hate to say it, but you should really try to find a source there (even if it's not great stuff) because you won't have any finished bud for AT LEAST 3 months. Obviously that part is your call, but I just wanna make sure you understand that there's no way to speed the process up quicker than that.


Active Member
Hey Irish,
welcome, you came to the right place!!! this sight ROCKS !!! recently started my first hydro-gro little over a month ago, and the info ive absorbed from this sight has taught me sooo much! THESE PEOPLE ARE GREAT!!! here are my babies at 35 days, switchin to flower today. so much info and experience to learn from on this site!!!:shock::bigjoint:
havent had any problems as of YET!



Well-Known Member
I made a once last 4 months. I was really careful though. At the end I was scraping my grinder with a cotton swab. I have been out for about 4 weeks. I have tried to find a hook up. I guess I just do not know where to look. I also do not look the part. I am a 32 and drive a minivan. I tried a coffee shop, A person at a head shop suggested. I left my number with a lady who said she would talk to "somebody maybe". She never called. I think people do not know me and do not want to take a chance. I do not blame them. It is hard to know who you can trust. :peace:

Thanks to everybody for you posts.


Well-Known Member
It could be worse you could be my age. I'm pretty sure Spittin for Cash lives by Cleveland. Send him a pm and tell him I sent you. VV


Well-Known Member
irish ladie im tellin u now the best place to go is to widow makers how to grow section brb with link its perfect for u