I am new here Please help me with my first GROW!!!


I have 4 plants and on one of them I have this yellow spot on 2 leaves and I don't really know what it is as I am a first time grower. I have my pH at 5.7/5.8 and my nuits at 14/16 as advised by green house seeds as they are from the greenhouse collection. I have a 600w hps light for all 4 plants as they are only 2 weeks old and the temp in the room is 80 degrees F and Humidity is at 60/61%. I fed them at first once everyday for a week and then read on google to feed them every other day which i started doing, so i do not know what I am actually doing wrong here also just to let you know I am using soil to grow them cana coco mix gold. If anyone has any ideas please let me know would be much appreciated. Thanks!!!:leaf:



Well-Known Member
O how I love they way they look under a hps light......
I think he's hinting at pictures with out the HPS light on, since it throws the color off and we can't really see what your talking about. Also try and get a little more focused shots, you can see your hand and soil fine, but the plant is out of focus.


Well-Known Member
I think u have light green leaf with one brown spot.
If u use hydro ( u can search absorve nuts chart from hydro grow).
Plants can absorve Mg above 5.82 ph so feed them on 5.90 .
Its very important that plants absorve Ca in different under 5.80
so one way is u water between 5.80-5.95 in weeks


I have uploaded some new pictures hope this helps to get a clearer view of my problem. Also thanks neved I will increase my ph to 5.8-5.9 and see if that makes a difference.


Well-Known Member
My maaaaaaan... they look good, you have nothing to worry about. Not every leaf is gonna be perfect.