I am new to this but true to this!

what up this is my first grow I'm running 600w lamp with air cool reflector 12,000BTU portable a.c./de-humid/fan unit
188cfm exhaust fan venting via reflector out into my hall way
Im growing in 3 gal containers i got 2 tangerine dreams going and 1 romulanberry that i started from seedling
all of this is inside a grow tent 5x5x7.5 DR150
this video i believe was made 4/4/12

this right here is a update on my grow today i think I'm gonna do a grow journal!


Well-Known Member
Good set up but you have some issues with the babies, iether overwatering as pots are too big at this stage, light too close at this stage or the soil is from your backyard and is useless.


Well-Known Member
I'm starting these from seeds aren't seedlings way bigger the clones
I'm sure you have room for more, especially with that light. It's not really important though. Get your first grow in and see where you can go from there. I grew 9 beautiful plants in an area smaller than that with a 400 watt bulb.
Good set up but you have some issues with the babies, iether overwatering as pots are too big at this stage, light too close at this stage or the soil is from your backyard and is useless.
lets see i water them on thursday and last sunday i check the soil on wednesday and was pretty dry I'm starting to see light nut burn on bottom leaves I'm also using roots organic soil light is at 18in
I'm sure you have room for more, especially with that light. It's not really important though. Get your first grow in and see where you can go from there. I grew 9 beautiful plants in an area smaller than that with a 400 watt bulb.
i see thanks for the motivation lets see how this grow turns out I'm doing a journal on it as well

Claude Bawls

Active Member
If your ambient temp is 87 that is too hot for seedlings, I would get it down to 76-82. ROOTS is a great soil but pretty 'hot' for seedlings, the issue here as BUDS said is too much soil for such small plants. Let them get pretty dry between waterings, don't soak the medium when you do water. You want the roots to grow out looking for moisture.
Welcome Aboard and +rep for 1st grow.
If your ambient temp is 87 that is too hot for seedlings, I would get it down to 76-82. ROOTS is a great soil but pretty 'hot' for seedlings, the issue here as BUDS said is too much soil for such small plants. Let them get pretty dry between waterings, don't soak the medium when you do water. You want the roots to grow out looking for moisture.
Welcome Aboard and +rep for 1st grow.
My ambient temp is stays at 68F-70F humidity is at 50% thanks for the watering tip


Well-Known Member
It does look like you have had some watering issues...and if you haven't fed them but are seeing spots then you are definitely overwatering...life the pot...if it is not totally light then you have to leave it and not water until it is...


Well-Known Member
anyone seen these symptoms before
ok...if those are the spots.. then those spots are just some bruising...where you have moved the plants and perhaps the leaves have been pinched or bent...this is more likely to happen when the levels of nitrogen are too high...so if you are feeding them stop for a bit, and if you aren't then water less...