i am so tired of not sleeping

Ever try Valerian root? It works wonders for me. Especially combined with a glass of kava kava root a few hours before hand. Though ive never had too much of an issue with insomnia. Just a suggestion :).
I need to make edibles - STAT. I can sleep 8 hours on the edibles. On the pot, usually no more than 5. Sometimes less though.
I sleep, just not well..I can't remember the last time I had a dream. I'm pretty sure I almost never enter REM sleep, I never feel refreshed after waking up, usually just as tired as when i went to bed. I refuse to use any pharmaceuticals..like they say..I'll have plenty of time to sleep once I'm dead.
I infused 14FL OZ coconut oil with 2oz of Cherry Pie popcorn and 2oz of ABV mixed bud then made 24 cookies, still only sleep for about 3 hrs, but that's good for me. I wake up and hit some shatter or wax but it really doesn't put back to sleep. Sometimes after waking I'll eat a bowl of oatmeal and for some reason I usually go back to sleep for about an hour. I run on about 3 to 4 hrs of sleep per night, it's been like this for years, almost used to it. I also refuse to become dependant on any pharms, went through that enough. If I really need some good sleep I'll take Temazapam, but ONLY occasionally. Insomnia is a bitch!
My doctor told me to try melatonin pills. I got the 3mg ones. Tried them 2 different nights. Once before bed, when I was trying to get to sleep. Once when I woke up after only 2 hours of sleep.

Neither times worked.

For me, exercise seems to work pretty good. If I am physically exhausted by the end of the day, I can usually fall asleep HARD and get anywhere from 5-7 hours. 7 might be a stretch, it really depends what stop on the crazy train I am on.

I have bipolar lite. The depressed times, I can sleep for 20 hours. The up times, like tonight, I slept for less than 3.

I won't do sleeping pills though. It's not because I don't think they would work. Maybe they do? It's because I am too afraid to have sleeping pills in my possession, incase I get depressed again. If I had sleeping pills in the past, it is likely I would not be here right now.

Oh, and edibles help a lot.

Hope everyone gets some sleep tonight!
I cant sleep worth shit some nights i dont sleep at all thiss can go on for 5 days or more at a time toss and turn some times i fall a sleep but it doesnt feel like it trazadone works sometimes seroquill sucks that dont work worth shit used to take 400mg dont take any thing any more but try to meditate and clear my mind and think i just need one hell of a powerfull indica it helps but jobs say no no im sick off that shit i just want good sleep with out pharmacueticals
Once in a while I'll hit on a pipe load of good hash. Its a big gamble. If I fall asleep I wake refreshed, wonderful dreams, relaxing and peaceful.

But if not, then I am fucking high. Racing thoughts, personal recriminations, guilt, paranoia, mental lists of things yet undone, reviews of past mistakes, regrets, hated ad jingles, stupid lyrics

And then a restart.

Hate it.
Holy shit had sog kush bam fell asleep right away had beutiful dreams went to sleep 10 just woke up 5 mins ago
I quit smoking at the end of jan, along with all other drugs. Immediately the most vivid and real dreams id ever experienced..every single night for a couple weeks then most nights after. I mean so real i wake up tasting blood, in pain, not aware of surroundings etc...dont look too much into blood and pain lol..

Anyway weed really inhibits dreams as do many drugs, for me and many others.
But can help you get to sleep. And you do still go into rem sleep

I normally take some diphenhydramine an hour before my intended bedtime, you can take it long term without addiction..take the lowest dose that provides relief as always, but i took 300mg a day for nearly a year, a few years back. Melatonin can work really well, especially if you have to sleep in the daytime and thats an issue for you.

In general exercise before bed can cause restlessness especially rls.
But exercise throughout the day and exhausting yourself can definitely aid in a good nights sleep.
Watching tv, reading a book before bed, light and noise will all hinder even if you go to sleep fine. Relaxing your mind, drinking some herbal tea, being outside are great