Well-Known Member
good find DD
K tell that to my ex who couldn't eat or sleep. That's even better for the baby......or lack of healthy activity, because of the lack of sleep and aches and, wow some of these people are straight up retarded...i think your mothers may have smoked crack when they were prego. i love weed, it is a medicine. helps me daily...but be serious you think it is ok to smoke anything when pregnant? does cilantro alter your mind? or numb aches and pains?
I'm just busting your balls a little bit, no harm intended. As far as my acid quip I was trying to put the op's mind at ease by telling her that when my buddy's child WAS conceived both parents had copious amounts of lsd in their system and no harm, immediately or thereafter, came to said child. I commented to ease another poster's mind. You commented to say how stupid my comment are right...i was confused on the year, my bad.. but banging your lady on acid b4 the kid is even conceived has nothing to do with smoking when you are pregnant with a child .
it is called morning sickness retard, happens to 99.9% of all pregnant womenK tell that to my ex who couldn't eat or sleep. That's even better for the baby......or lack of healthy activity, because of the lack of sleep and aches and pains.
Thowing up all the the point of wretching. That's real good for the baby.
You Sir have no room to talk Mr RETARD. Passing out Stats as if they are true without evidence to show how you came up with that figure. According to January the 23 of 20011 issue of Journal LONELY WIVES OF MILATARY HUSBANDS IN THE NAVY ASSIGNED TO SUBMARINE SERVICE that 98.2 percent of women have morning sickness....most widely known as the sick feeling while preggy..............and the ones that dont have morning sickness babies are usually born with one eye or tw0 left feet or arm attached to the head type thing going please before you misslead anyone with false facks....even though it just a marginal differeance it accounts for why we have politicans that mothers didnt have morning sicknes......and I take the retarded back....should of been Mr. SLightly off on percentage. thank is called morning sickness retard, happens to 99.9% of all pregnant women
Throwin names hey retard. Keep yourself in the dark. I guess my moms that are nurses that told her to smoke it know fuck all....I know what. I'm not getting into this with a clown like is called morning sickness retard, happens to 99.9% of all pregnant women
Hi Landracer,
I don't think you're an ahole and I honestly think it's healthy for pregnant women to smoke when they are in pain but try and not smoke early in.. The cells are still dividing and putting together a very complex puzzle in your belly. Late pregnancy smoking is cool by me but I'm talking a few weeks before the bag tears and the floors get slippery.