I am thinking nitrogen deficiency?


Well-Known Member
I am thinking that this is a nitrogen deficiency. It is on a White Widow that I have not fed any nutes due to wanting it organic. I am not sure what to use to rectify this. Ant suggestions are welcome.


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Looks it. Use organic nutes. Id give it a side dress of bio live or something like it. Urea is pure N but id feed a complete nute imo
Not sure whats growing around the plant but id yank them out so theyre not stealing food from your widow
If it was my plant, I would get any weeds out of there, sprinkle Espona Garden Tone into the soil. Then a good top dressing of Black Kow and give it a good soaking.
The majority of the nitrogen in finished compost (usually over 90%) has been incorporated into organic compounds that are resistant to decomposition. Rough estimates are that only 10% to 30% of the nitrogen in these organic compounds will become available in one growing season

From the agricultural extension
There are no weeds there. The plant that is growing next to the White Widow is a Columbine. It is finished for the season. I think I am going to try to top dress it with compost and maybe add some high nitrogen fertilizer to the mix. Thank you the replies.