I am thinking these are Indica strain?

I'm pretty sure the one with the long skinnyish leaves on the bottom of the one the one in the smallest pot may be male, but I am also VERY sure that the biggest one ( has two leaves emerging at the nodes actual leaves). Not sure about the other ones yet. Only time will tell. They just started growing at a some what decent pace but the smallest one in the middle is moving very slow and it has the most adequate light. Anyways. I planned on just growing them a couple of more months and then placing them outside after make a few clones from the possible females and growing them inside while the other females I grew flower outside between March - July? I don't know why but every time I put plants outside in those Months they start flowering immediately. Tallahassee Florida here. I don't want to bud them indoor.. not enough light.. I'll have a shitty yield, but I had grown some seeds I had ordered. It was chronic and I got it up to five feet tall within an extremely short amount of time with a 240 watt Sylvania Spot Gro Lux bulb and got a yield of almost 7 ounces.. almost a half pound, but let me know if these babies are sativa or indica or if any of yall see possible female tedencies. I am just being impatient really and trying to enjoy the grow.:clap:


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
For one, they're too young to make a reasonable guess as to how sativa or indica they are. For two, they are having problems that make that determination even harder. You need to check your soil's pH asap. It looks like it may be too acidic. You also need to have a fan blowing on the plants. With good airflow, the stems will thicken and you'll be able to bring the bulbs closer, decreaing internodal length. They are also showing the first signs of nutrient deficiency and will need to be fed an all-around fertilizer when or after you check & adjust the soil pH.
Yeah. It's not that big of a deal. I usually don't start giving them ferts until four weeks has passed out. The pH is just fine. I all ready checked it. The one to the far left is a definite female it's all ready showing the flower stalk at the node with a white hair. I just can't for the other ones. There is a fan blowing on them constantly. I usually grow outside but I am preparing them for outside since it's too cold. I'm sure they would survive in the cold for I have grown in the cold several times they just tend to bud up through the cold. That soil the plants are using has been around for years and grown with all kinds of plants. The pH level is right on the money. It's just bag seed, but the bud was potent to a retarded level. My last grow was reg seed and it was strong as hell.